EID vs NotSoStellar (4546 views)

us ipod
fr uYop
fi hazz
it flavis35
ch barret
tr turkyboy15


30.08.18 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SUMMER CUP 2K18 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Damon (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 13821
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


Go uYop !
good luck uYop ^^
This should probably be moved, huh? I won't be avi between Friday and Sunday. Any day of next week works for me.
Last days of liquid water in lakes and rivers to swim, huh?
No we use pumps in the winter to keep it liquid so we can still swim, but the guess was good! Going to the country side to do stuff while the weather is still somehow summery. :D
Sure, can you play Tuesday?
If it's possible, towards the end of the week would be better. Thursday or any day after that will be good I think. On Tuesday and also probably Wednesday we'll have to use a merc.
Thursday can be great ye
Alright, Thursday 21:00 would be good for us.
Alright, Thursday 21 it is.
Can you contact you on IRC or somewhere?

<19:24:12> "uYop": Can you contact you on IRC or somewhere?
<19:24:17> "uYop": can you contact youuuuuu

Can I* contact you on IRC or somewhere?
open bets loosers
How can I join the match for spectate?
some1 from team A or team B need to invite you to their houses. Greetings
How does it work? What you mean with houses?
Don't feed the troll
To watch the game, you have to have client version installed; read: https://www.crossfire.nu/tutorials/221/how-to-play-et-in-2018
Then you have to check broadcast list to get the IP of ETTV server. For example,if you want to watch this game, connect to anaconda.gamestv.org:26009 (/connect anaconda.gamestv.org:26009 in console with running ET)
homer nouskillu sam jestes troll
Hello notsostellar ?
Yes, we're here, are you on irc?
e!d : 4 - 0 : NSS