Four Kings vs Vicious and Evil (5022 views)

gb nkm
no rglaf
dk dranzer
es MaRTe
es Winghaven
gb hazz
pk valiant
gb Jeebs
gb madbone
gb Vexx
de MADKnut
de Noorgrin
GSL Grand Final


Official Statement:

"I'm extremly proud of my team for making it to the GSL Finals. The tournament is double eilimination so 4 Kings will need to win 1 match, while VAE, having come back from the lower bracket will need to win 2 matches back to back in order to win the tournament. It's a big ask, but I'm sure my team will be extremly motivated tonight and give it 100%. I look forward to a great game."

Notes On How The Final Will Work
extracted from NeoX, GSL admin email

"The final will be played in a best of 3 match. So you will play a minimum of 2 maps and a maximum of 6 maps. Let's just hope you don't have to play 6 maps ;D I talked with GreatBrian about that and he wants the final in that way.

Before the match you will vote the 2 first maps with the normal elimination system like voting a decidermap. Vicious and Evil will begin to eliminate a map. The two last maps will be played. In the second game you will do exactly the same but the maps from the first game are IN the mappool. This time Four Kings will start to eliminate a map."
I think 4K will be better prepared then last time. :D. 4K will steamroll VAE tonight.
gl both
gl both ... stay metal !
You have € 5 on eu VAE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 147.
gl 4k
they'll need it (:
gogo w1ng
well i m gonna believe in noorgrin

this time its VAE TIME!
dont forget to dine in hell tonight guys!
gl both, but I wont loose my money on this one, easy bet...
RuFiO left the team?
hes on holidays
meetin some kankerjongs
he meets a kankerjong then :P
Oh he lieks teh cock?
gl vae, hf 4k :P
wasn't MaRTe in ' Wiechury ' ? ; o
1st vs 2nd best team euro?
pokemans smell :)
gl españoles
gl 4k
ggs. Gold for 4K, Silver for VAE.
Thx to all those who supported us in this tournament <3
4K (4:0) VAE - nice game
was a nice game wp!