iNmotion vs 8Bits/FiF*Yellow* (6801 views)

ee infi_
fi ruoska
de wsk
gb starzi
de cutty
hr suVi
gb xed0s
be Alvo
be iMmi
be Gringoe
be Woetre
nl Rezta
nl Skippy
nl Boire
20.07.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Warleagues X
Manager: _inFi (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_oasis_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11532
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 6
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


1rd gl & hf all

this will be a tuff oneke!
gl fify
gl 8bits
Xed0s fo sho.. cummon baby i know you can do it for me!
sup sweets, where u been??
rezta the hacker
gl FiF :) rezta the hacker ??? :p
gl inm
Oasis is awesome!
stop attentionwhoring on all of our matches!!! U SHOWOFF!!!
Just like on xfire he doesnt reply here either.
gL pauli
Go infi_ !
Go ruoska !
Go starzi!
It's been a while lads :) How've you all been?
Vindicator :O?
You got it! :D How're you doing?
gl inmotion! <3 superstars
Gl finska ruoska & starzi
very easy for iNm, gl to them
go alvo <3
hihihiihihi and ruoska also ofc!
merci :D wnr komde gij trug ET spele? :P
mijn laptop werkt langs geen kanten meer :<
inmotion make me richhhhhhhhh :)
gl starzi !
gl inmotion!
eazy for rezta
oasis! :D
gl alvo :)
gl inmotion!
gl starzi, infi and the whole iNm crew! :p
gl wsk :)
again like 400 slots for like 10 people who will probably watch this :D
indeed :D if that even ^^
our last time peak was 4.
alle kom, eerste keer dat ik geld op yellow zet.
stel me nu niet teleur eh gasten.
suvi ti imas neki drugi nick na cro sceni ili?
gl infi and immi <3
go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi go starzi

Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday Its your birthday
da gij nog leeft, wat spookt u uit tegenwoordig?
real life n stuff :d
ne :>
oh man, u still got alot to learn! :D
no nazty no win
GL inmotion ofc
good luck starzi you closet nigger!
Hey, teacher! Leave inmotion alone!
Go suviiiiii GL m8
GL ruoska to btw :D
Lone Soldier Squadron > all tbfh.
Gl Infi & Ruoka :)
oasis, here we will see real skills and experienced people :-)
be Alvo
be Gringoe
be iMmi
be Nazty
be Woetre
nl Rezta
nl Skippy

6 outta 7 ofc
no nazty no win
gl iNmotion you deserve this victory you trained 2 weeks oasis :XD
2 rounds is more near the truth :p
So that was 2 rounds against us nCore :-(
shhhhhhhhh. We want people to think we never pracc so we wont look like total dummies if we lose =/
idd...did we win at least??
1 round actually :P u left before 2nd
all on suvi
hes an epic backraper lol
damn, you've been betting on us too much lately! :D
gg wp, lol'd @ fif's comments :DDDDDD
;) call it game sense m8 :p
8DDDDDDDDDD Was crap server man , laggy :p
BAH:) we could win supply izi but some fault at 1st def kickt us out:) but all wp :D

great match/ rematch!!!!!
nice game inM wp
ja oke laatste keer dus