Vicious and Evil vs 4Frags.Gaming (3481 views)

pk valiant
gb Jeebs
gb madbone
gb Vexx
de Noorgrin
de MADKnut
es EiNkEl
es Feruto
es MaRTe*
es MikLoN
es Oblivian
es Shinoby
es _CRaKeaN_
23.07.08 22:00 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase Summercup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Bestik (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 16514
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)
sk #vae`ETQW.TV Server
By: Bestik (none)

Total Slots: 80
Viewer Peak: 26


Official Statement:

"With plenty of etqw experience in both lineups & maps not being known until 30 minutes before match time, this could turn out to be an extremly entertaining match. VAE will have to take nothing for granted and bring their "A" Game if they are to win this match."
gl vae, hope you win, for my betting's sake ;)
easy bash for my penis ...
still playing sexxeh vexxeh <3
oi oi Jerome :D! yeh still playing, think its the best game out there at the mo! waiting for RTCW2 tho. So bet all your moneys on me for sure :D What you playing these days emo!
4frags is actually pretty good.. wtf @ 1.04...
yeah, plus they have marte as taker for the SummerCup
[4Frags] play a lot, and I mean A LOT late into the night & they also have some strong aimers.
You won € 15.75

But I mean still good clan right nice cheats and stuff. :D
Admitedly, pre-match I heard some rumours about [4Frags] from some people ... but I guess I'm not in a position to comment on this.

All I can say from my experience is that some of them (not all) were very awkard to deal with pre-match and a there was a lot of flame from their makeshift superstar. Nonetheless VAE geared up, went in, ignored the comments being made and then smashed them on our 'neutral' server based in Germany and then on their 'one sided' server located in Spain.

p.s. buy me some mangoes with your winnings! you know it makes sense ;)
Y they were ugly to 0z3 too.
i havent played etqw in 3-4 months, but 4frags sucked bigtime back then. Are they really so good now or are there a lot of new players
well tbh we haven't played them for ages, but u see them practice alot recently + they added MaRTe (4K) for the SummerCup... so we will see tonight if they improved or not...
marte and 4k? dude wth you smoking, i want some too!
You should've seen them play vs on 4on4. Yes they lost, but it was close..
gl Noor :*
gl noor *:
This match happening with ETQWPro 0.6?
4-0 VAE