30 seconds to MARS vs TCGOnline.nl (4000 views)

ro Damon
nl GiZmOoO
nl iNsAne
pl Abj
pl h2o
fi lEku

The ETernity Cup: 3on3
Play offs
UB - Semi Final

News - Discord - Play offs


oh shit
nl GiZmOoO and his Elysium team are officially coming together this Saturday to discuss the latest developments in the ET scene. Therefore he can not make this match ro Damon
And i will officially change the date.
Back in business again boys GG!
How long have you been gone? 24 hours or so?
Felt like a life time hahahah
damon switching dates 2 times a day and havent talked to any of our team once
tl;dr version:
Calm ur tits boy its fine now
I know i didnt talk to you boys before and i didnt handle the scheldule right. But guess what is gonna be played at 22 so you got nothing to be mad about
All in on team Damon!
4-0 for tgco
Nice back to business Damon
Good mood :)!