iNmotion vs Goon Squad (5153 views)

de cutty
ee inFi_
fi ruoska
gb starzi
hr suVi
de wsk
gb xedos
Not Announced
31.07.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: xed0s (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 17131
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de iNmotion_TV
By: CuttyP (ettvd)
By: ng (ettvd)
gb YCN Hosting ETTV
By: ycn (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 58


gl pot
omg suVi omg

poolnub hf
easy bash for xedos ;*
again gl paul
gl kev:>
kevlar kevlar!! hehe gl m8 :)
in motion !!!!

iNmotion will win this once again! :D
eZbash for xedos
2ez for gS-pot
should be a 4-2 to gS
should be 4-0 to iNm
should be u deserve a slap
hf & gl iNm
easy bash for iNm!
gl starzi babes
wheres my gl honey???
gl kevlar and pot!!1!

wait - you play vs. us! gl to us then =)
gl suvi
Ok i thought this offi was next week... whats times prac then guys causei got work till late
lol typical <3, just get home when u can, we will be waiting :)
Home about 6.15 if the trains come tho
GL inMotion you will take them with your teamplay and nice aim :)
gl goons, gl inmotion !!!!!!
gl iNmotion u suck :XDDD ruoska<33

ps. suVi sucks
You have € 100 on eu iNm
Possible win: € 112
gl inmotion:d
omg matt? is that you? matt? hallo? why won't you be online in msn? :S
gl wsk
Gl goons! im puttin moneys on you!
go on the goons!
gl infi & ruoska
gl ettv whores
gl iNm busy week you have there :)
gl iNm, will be a nice match to watch
gl both

gS bank defence on GR = unbreakable
only if hump 180 6hs plays!
GL inmotion!!!!
gl gS :)
gl starzi, inFi, ruoska :D
Nice failure, none of servers working on current match.
uk guys had bad pings so we are playing on uk gameserver......
well nice timing then
can happen don't whine
can u tell us if any ettv servers are on there?
na, we had to change servers right after 21.00...
gL cutty wsk and pot!
whats the score then : )?
score ? we waiting 4
#inmotion I tell u commentary :p
gS win 4-0 ggs
thank you for zeh money. 1,2k :O ps: kevlar is gay :D
Hump wins i guess
i had 155 on us to win and bet was cancelled! wtf :<

You have € 115 on gS
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.
then u should have stayed on the 1st server!
why canceled? game has been broadcasted by ycn-gaming!
rofl, that server connected to gameserver on second map second round.
u bunch of useless cunts !

You have € 500 on gb gS
Possible win: € 4110

if it was broadcasted or not it still doesnt make any difference to the betting ! -,-
we need an admin LOL
gS won fair and square, people deserve to win there money imo.
would have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo cool if you could have connected that ettv at the start, and not 10 mins before the end!
ye np, ive added it as a win, even tho there was no broadcast...see if admins change it.
iNmotion fucK noob team, loos all money pfff
You have € 250 on gb gS
You won € 2045

thanks to gS :)
You have € 13 on gb gS
You won € 106.34

:D !
wth :o
lost my money infi, :'((
:( see mäng läks nii persse :/
zOMG inmotion fucking nerds. MY MONEH!!!!

wp goonies btw
24.07 21:00 Ireland ie 31.21 vs. 1.03 lv Latvia 1 € on ie IE Lost

hey big spender!! :p
Mühsam ernährt sich das eichhörnchen!
You have € 20 on gS
You won € 163.6 wp guys ;)
You have € 100 on gS
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

admins fix this please, the result should stand !
no, it shouldn't. look on other cancelled matches.
yes, it should, regardless of other matches, they should all be changed

this is a betting system, whether the match was broadcasted or not shouldnt interfer with ppls betting

the majority of users on gtv dont spec the matches, they just put money on who they think is going to win

match played, 4:0 score, ettv for 1 round(map?) or sth -> cancel
would you say the same if you would've lost your money? cause right now ur only doing this to win your money, yes i have nothing against the fact we lost but the rules say the match has to be fully played on ETTV. 1st server had ettv covered but since gs didnt check the server we proposed to play on out(altho it was given out over a week before the match) they show up and said they cant play cause of lag. so we tried to change and add ettv but couldnt. so therefor it got fucked up. im not here to bitch or whine but i can see ur doing this just to get ur money.
well duh ofcourse im whining cos i want my money :D