Canada vs Chile (4217 views)

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NationsCup 2020
Group D
Round 1

Discord Standings News

1st map (supply) will be played on a US server
2nd map (bremen_b3) will be played on a CL server

Decider match:


gl outloAd
This is going to be a good one. But oh man... the times
You have € 100 on cl CL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 181
You have € 40 on cl CL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 71.2

bring it to SA
let's go chileeeee
gl both
GL Hunter
15 jarhe fop hahha
maybe mayan will play in this
Gl Chi chi chi le le le :)
Gl guys!
You have € 1000 on  CL  
Possible win: € 2250

Let's go hanS :D
You have € 10 on cl CL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 23.3
hf both!
i was hoping to see decay_b6 dynasty
no missile? canada lose
You have € 80 on cl CL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 182.4

vamos po wn fome qlo venga HANS y m@x
ip ettv chile???
saving the night :]
Amazing match on the side of both nations! Can't wait to see the decider being played on a different day!
What were you doing awake? :D
Haha supporting my boys from Chile
What a game! Waiting for decider!
When are they gonna play the decider?