Canada vs France (4422 views)

ca anim
ca bebit
ca CrimZon
ca dynasty
ca punkk
ca TunnEl
fr kEEJi
fr mouss
fr quAke
fr ReturneR
fr snjh
fr uYop

NationsCup 2020
LB Round 1

This match will be played on a US & UK server.

Discord Brackets News


You have € 300 on fr FRA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 453

Friendship with uyop on the line here :(
You have € 25 on fr FRA
Possible win: € 47
gl rito
Gl Maxuh
No emorej no win
After the game against CL i will bet all in on team FRA... (if i have some money after all in against CL :D)

You have € 80 on fr FRA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 126.4

Gl n hf dude
Gl StrAf
You have € 28 on fr FRA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 41.72
- returner
+ maxuh
ah gg quAke big stats...
its ok mine got fucked too
imagine we are playing only for stats and it got fucked for both of us... unlucko man
tough L losing on all fronts - keith stole my stats on bremen fucker
T'es pas bon stooo :D
ez for quak tg
gg quAke le monstre
except those are uYop stats
I know it was a joke,
Probably due to server change, the number attribued to each player during first round has been mixed when they changed serv (kept stats for player 4 from first servs to player 4 on 2nd serv who wasn't the same player)
Normally stats of everyone are fucked :x