Geronimo vs MaKiDaNcEr (3937 views)

1/8 Final match of Second Divison

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02.08.08 16:00 CEST
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Game: tmf Trackmania Forever
League: CB 1v1 Summercup 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Gero (Generaladmin)
Maps: CB`Belief
CB- CheZzburger

Total Pot: € 4479
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Trackmania Forever TV
xx Server
By: Gero (none)
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xx #NerdVibes TM-TV
By: Gero (none)
Connect to Server

Total Slots: 116
Viewer Peak: unknown


Gl Gero :D
gero = noob
- Gero - Tomorrowland was wer een zwaar feesje zegt (14:27):
hebde gij ok 2 broden gegete deze mergend?
Jeroen zegt (14:29):
Jeroen zegt (14:29):
honey pops
- Gero - Tomorrowland was wer een zwaar feesje zegt (14:29):
ooooh ikken ok
- Gero - Tomorrowland was wer een zwaar feesje zegt (14:30):
is da _HET_ ontbijt om ne pro gamer te worre?

zegt genoeg :D, dus verander die noob mer in pro :)
GL mate !
gero hax
GEro , playing on saturday @ summer ? OMG dude, that's sad
lol, it are holidays? so you have the whole week to do stuff, so #care
it are holidays o00o0o0o00o
ya 3 months holidays =)
This is the main event of geros summer.. Don't be so harsh on him. ;)
Yeah so true :<<

It's because Prinz didn't pass and has to learn for his re-examination, otherwise we had planned to do much funny stuff together

... eergh k NOT
I looooold so hard :DD
Prinz is ur only mate? Since he's studying now you gotta spend ur saturdays playing tmn. xD
Sam made /kill
and Jere always does /quit after he drunk 2 beers

and now i'm sad and lonely :<
WooohOOO! Sam finally did something good! That's a reason to party this weekend! xD
gtfo dest, you ugly finish cunt :x
Now I made you mad? awwwz ;)
/kill ?
Yeah, you weren't on msn for like 8 hours, i was like: omg omg, wtf where is this dude, he must have made /kill
boe boe
worked from 5.45 till 10.30, then played some games, went to Lilse Bergen from 14.00, came back at 18.25, ate something & went to football club, so ..
you must be a true offline-only-hero :O
yay, gero owns, he owns me easily at tmn and I am pretty good even though I am saying it myself :]
STFU Jonas :DD

I will send Sjonnie and Teemu to kick your ass <3
lool, sjonnie is at Kitee (at his father, far far away) Teemu I dont even know rl and noway he could kick my ass xDD (hes a nerd), ik ben Joonas, niet Jonas, :<)
Sorry Snipu, did i hurt your feelings? :<
noooononoonooo, i gonn always luv ye nigg'
i gonn watch this match definitely ! is gonn b ei gud geim.
It's tomorrow
2/08 ;)
Gl gero, kick ass
dont bet on gero, he's playing et again :D
wye i cant join server :(
What error message you got?
Or just nothing happens? (linux? mac?)
thx for money
congrats ;)
i use opera and with IE works