Gather Team A vs Gather Team B (942 views)
Team Heady
Team kApot
12.09.20 13:20 CEST
Awards | awarded to | for |
Lady Macbeth | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 26 kills |
Killing Spree | intricate gargoyle | 5 frags without being killed |
Accountant | intricate gargoyle | 121% kills/killed ratio |
He's dead, Jim! | intricate gargoyle | 7 gibs |
...and stay dead! | Marijke Helwegen | 44% gibs/kill |
Lead Poisoning | intricate gargoyle | 21 SMG kills |
Spammity spam spam! | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 7 SPAM kills |
Fragstealer | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 127 damage per frag |
Die! Damn you, Die! | Juicy | 298 damage per frag |
What objective? | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 108 XP |
Red Shirt | d0pebwoy | 32 deaths |
Are these pliers sharp? | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 8 deaths without fragging |
Med Pack Whore | intricate gargoyle | 228 damage per death |
Eyes Wide Shut | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 2 team kills |
Gingerbread man | norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE | 11 /kills |
» View plaintext endround stats
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | XD |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | :XD |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | XDddd |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | XDDDDDDD |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | ik dacht ga lekker meemuisteren |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | xD! |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | xD! |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | xD! |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | xD! |
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | wat een eng mannetje |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | eng persoon |
fausy [Countdown]: | meemuistere |
[Countdown]: | Appeal your ban at |
[Countdown]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Countdown]: | Players auto-banned: |
[9:54]: | Heufdjecalled a vote. |
[9:52]: | *** Level Restarted! *** |
[9:52]: | Vote passed! |
[9:52]: | Appeal your ban at |
[9:52]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[9:52]: | Players auto-banned: |
fausy [Warmup]: | Pause |
fausy [Warmup]: | Pause |
fausy [Warmup]: | Unpause |
fausy [Warmup]: | Unpause |
fausy [Warmup]: | Unpause |
fausy [Warmup]: | Pause |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | base phone |
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | deti faus |
Juicy [Warmup]: | lekker fausy |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | XDDDDDDDDDDDDD |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | constan: "f2 f2 f2" |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | eng persoon |
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | niet |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | wél |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | wie is marijke helwegen is dat een lekker wijf in NL ofzo |
Juicy [Warmup]: | base telefoon |
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | faus: mn push to talk is mn pause bind |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | nene |
Juicy [Warmup]: | XD |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | dat is de moeder van constan |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | een lelijk wijf in NL dan? |
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | leuk |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | rossen draak me 3 tande |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | xD |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | ma ze is wel lief |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | da zijn er al 1 meer dan Sean D'hondt zen balle |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | dusja |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | :DDD |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | de sean dacht ik stuur hier efkes wa dickpicks |
Marijke Helwegen [Warmup]: | mijn moeder zou de hoofdprijs zijn in al die smerige stinkdorpjes waar jullie wonen zonder enige infrastructuur |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | xd |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | wel schattig dat je haar zo verdedigt |
Juicy [Warmup]: | :D? |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | ze zal vast erg trots zijn op je |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | jammer dat je een ongediplomeerde dakloze zwerver bent met als enige bezig een gaming pc |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | bezit |
d0pebwoy [Warmup]: | sec tel |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | baasje |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | goed dat je het optijd zegt |
intricate gargoyle [Warmup]: | ik zit krap qua tijd he |
fausy [Warmup]: | :) |
fausy [Warmup]: | hahahaha |
fausy [Warmup]: | lool |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | Base zijn ze die telefoonkabel eerst nog aan het aansluiten? |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | base tijd is om |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | wij pakken forfeit win |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | sgoed wij ook dan |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Warmup]: | haha |
[Countdown]: | Appeal your ban at |
[Countdown]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Countdown]: | Players auto-banned: |
[9:03]: | The Axis have blown the Main Entrance! |
[8:58]: | Axis have captured the Forward Bunker! |
[8:53]: | Bananenlijm connected |
[7:52]: | Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker! |
Marijke Helwegen [7:43]: | tyfus stuk lopen |
[7:22]: | Axis have captured the Forward Bunker! |
Bananenlijm [7:04]: | mooie nade daarnet constan XD |
Marijke Helwegen [6:56]: | XD |
[6:56]: | The Axis team has transmited the Secret War Documents! |
fausy [Intermission]: | eventjes ete |
[Intermission]: | >>> Clock set to: 3:03 |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Intermission]: | eet ze fausy |
[Intermission]: | Appeal your ban at |
[Intermission]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Intermission]: | Players auto-banned: |
[Countdown]: | Appeal your ban at |
[Countdown]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Countdown]: | Players auto-banned: |
[2:00]: | Axis have captured the Forward Bunker! |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [1:50]: | het houdt op |
intricate gargoyle [0:44]: | xd |
intricate gargoyle [0:43]: | BASE |
[0:36]: | Juicycalled a vote. |
[0:35]: | Vote FAILED! (Change map to erdenberg_t1) |
[0:20]: | Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker! |
[0:17]: | Juicycalled a vote. |
[0:16]: | Vote FAILED! (Change map to erdenberg_t1) |
[Intermission]: | >>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:03) |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Intermission]: | constan: 'f2 f2, wil scores zien' |
Marijke Helwegen [Intermission]: | XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Intermission]: | hij staat ook eens eerst |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Intermission]: | :> |
[Intermission]: | Appeal your ban at |
[Intermission]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Intermission]: | Players auto-banned: |
[Countdown]: | Appeal your ban at |
[Countdown]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Countdown]: | Players auto-banned: |
[11:29]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[11:28]: | The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker! |
[11:24]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
fausy [11:16]: | leroy, genie |
[10:49]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[10:32]: | Main Gate has been destroyed! |
[9:52]: | Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post! |
[9:49]: | Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
[8:33]: | The West Flak88 has been destroyed! |
Heufdje [7:52]: | gg |
[7:30]: | The East Flak88 has been destroyed! |
[7:30]: | Both Flak88 guns have been destroyed! |
[Intermission]: | >>> Clock set to: 4:30 |
Heufdje [Intermission]: | ik ga hard jonge |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Intermission]: | :D |
[Intermission]: | Players auto-banned: |
[Intermission]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Intermission]: | Appeal your ban at |
Heufdje [Warmup]: | ik sta te hoog in de ranking, ni bekwaam om kapitein te zijn |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Countdown]: | den enige die bekwaam is zedde gij en juicy |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Countdown]: | de rest heeft een mentale leeftijd van 10 |
[Countdown]: | Players auto-banned: |
[Countdown]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[Countdown]: | Appeal your ban at |
Marijke Helwegen [3:25]: | xd |
d0pebwoy [3:16]: | xD! |
[2:54]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
[2:53]: | The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker! |
[2:51]: | The Allies have captured the forward bunker! |
d0pebwoy [2:35]: | laatste spwan was dat voordat ik ging |
intricate gargoyle [2:30]: | :D |
[2:29]: | Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased! |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [2:25]: | broodje? |
norEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [2:18]: | van de mama |
[2:13]: | Main Gate has been destroyed! |
d0pebwoy [2:12]: | was dat maar zo |
[0:40]: | fausy disconnected |
Juicy [0:39]: | wpwp |
d0pebwoy [0:36]: | g |
[0:33]: | Juicy disconnected |
[0:33]: | Heufdje disconnected |
d0pebwoy [0:32]: | gg |
[0:29]: | d0pebwoy disconnected |
[0:29]: | Players auto-banned: |
[0:29]: | BenitoCABRON, Virus64, ETPlayer, |
[0:29]: | Appeal your ban at |
These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on.
You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:
- Server crash / restart
- Players reconnecting with new ids
- Too many random renames between rounds
Credits to the author of StatWhore
of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.