8Bits/FiF*Green* vs nkNn (4450 views)

nl Jo0f<3Anti3
nl vanquish
be siL
be Worm
be Jere
be chizz6l
nl ovie
nl kapaa
nl illuminese
be Witje
be tetsuo
nl loazis
03.08.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Summer Cup 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 15776
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de arni.name ettv 1
By: essAh (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 6
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 87


gl ovie & nknn
joof tulee ja rapee kaikki xd
need lineups
gl OV!E!<3 owner
if FiF is gonna play with joof Ill laugh.
they will, just look at worm hes retarded
but we still have the hacker award right? x(
gl loazis
line-up 8bits fif green:
nl Jo0f (he's playing with anti3)
nl vanquish
be siL
be Worm
be Jere
ovie, I want a shoutout :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) niggerboii

gl nknn
gl worm and jo0f !!!!!!!
nkNn - sFx.Gaming lineup:

be chizz6l
nl 0V1E
se/fi kapaa
nl illumise
be Witje
be tetsuo
nl loazis

be crook (if he is still alive)
be hit (if he isn't eating)
at blizzard (if he isnt hiding children in his basement)
be fishbot (wait.. nvm, he's gay)
You have € 10 on eu nkNn Cancel bet
Possible win: € 261.2

volgens mij gaat witje het verklote zodat chizzl zn hacks moet aanzette ma dan gaan die plots falen , gaat illumise volledig beginnen flippen zodat witje uiteindelijk begint te wenen waardoor lowazis van het lachen naar twc moet zodat die ook nutteloos is.. en dan komt fishbot plots op ventrilo en begint die te zagen dat ie van zn moeder niet naar de volleybal mocht..

tleven kan toch soms zo voorspelbaar zijn he

5 on you guys nknn ;:)
haha :D
5 op die manne ook
we zouden beter 100 inzette, dan zijn we rijk
anti3 doesnt mean shit, gnajda wasnt the only player in 3on3 worldcup to cheat withit, hes the only 1 that failed cose hes a retard..

I mean scorch played with anti3
scorch and jan played with anti3, and didn't even win vs poland (without gnajda) and didnt even pass through their round :(
exactly, which means him playing with anti3 now means shit all
i don't even think that he was cheating tbh ;o
gl ovie illu tets en jo0f
gl joof, fuck the haters
gl both
kanker, feyenoord staat 2-0 achter ffs :<
gl jeeere
gl vanquish noob
gl jere&worm&ziff!
(jere, een gl = win voor u é dus :D)
gl jere en vanq !
i see 3 hackes in there, 2 busted, why are they allowed to play? ET = fail horribly
ur mates with jkzz, hypocrit!
not rly but the dif is i couldnt giive a fuck if hes busted , and would support people in busting him or anyone else im m8s with online tbh. reason FiF guys defend him is because they know him in real life.
So they should defend him, theres no actual proofs he a cheater, thats why they supports, nothing on the avi's are clear cut. They played with him at lan, and he was fairly decent then, thats why they defend him.

but yeh he is a cheater
kalauer des jahres
sigh, why is killerboy an admin ffs? Yes bust cheaters, but ffs your too much of a kid to have any responsibility
wtf is your problem?
shouldnt get involved with the game, agree on the fact that some people were overreacting but you should just stfu during the match seriously
like its my problem if the servers is lagging out srsly, they were taking the piss out of jo0f, and nowone whined, face it, illumise got bashed and he wasn't in a good mood, if you don't like to joke / care
ye true, but still you shouldnt be talking in global chat all the time
chizz6l crying out SURE SUER WH JOOF HAX in all the match, and i didn't see anyone whining, so obviously no wonder sFx are whining.
+ 99999
Your an admin, which means you should be 1) mature, 2) unbiased
you just got offended cos i said Hype stop crashing the server, which is infact, your relative, now grow up
I didnt even see that, ur a fuckin joke as an admin

go report me to an admin please, would like to see your reasons kid
Im the kid? Please google the word irony.
im still waiting for your complaints
Why would I put in a complaint?
Quote sigh, why is killerboy an admin ffs
Does that mean im going to try and do anything about it?
then don't whine for nothing, if you think making a joke or two during the game is bad, report me.
Il whine all I want, about anything I want, this is the internet afterall!
serious business
idd, lets go to the complaints department!
Roger that
wp guys deserved win :P
4-0 fif, gg
nog volhouden dat jij het bent zeker
no accidental tracking through walls this time for joof, interesting
May I have that anti3 prog 2 ? he was even better
jup nice match guys and well played all!!!

btw admins: stfu teamchats, killerboy, you just confirmed your tardness!
gg ezi win 4 them + deserved
killerboy just go bust ppl and stop doing other things.... tard
gg :D and joof doesnt hack (imo)
etBot is an engine based multihack and undetected for more than 4 years now. It works for

* Enemy Territory 2.55, 2.56, 2.60, 2.60b

and covers about 95% of any popular mods

* ETPRO version >= 3.1.12 ... 3.2.6
* JAYMOD version >= 1.5rc3 ... 2.1.8
* Latest TCE version >= 4.9 ... 4.9b
* NOQUARTER version 1.0.4 ... 1.1.1

the only time they tested etbot with etace was ......... Never.

the anticheat was never tested on a public server, so what they say is bs.

and anti3 != etace
You have € 1 on eu nkNn
You lost
uh noez