Vicious and Evil vs team dropzone (3741 views)

pk valiant
gb Jeebs
gb madbone
gb Vexx
de Noorgrin
gb mindgame
Not Announced
05.08.08 22:15 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: WL ET:QW Season I
Hosting: Warleagues
Manager: Bestik (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 17395
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de war server
By: Bestik (none)
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)

Total Slots: 56
Viewer Peak: 27


vae win my money on you
gl VAE
gl mindgame
You have € 2300 on eu VAE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2323

holy shit
active game!
ou have € 1 on d.Zone
Possible win: € 100
rofl what a joke
You have € 100 on VAE
Possible win: € 101 =/
You have € 100 on eu VAE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 102
Official Statement:

"We are without MADKnut for this match who is at another festival meaning our newest addition mindgame steps up to the plate. However myself, madbone & mindgame are suffering from high latency due to technical issues with Virgin Media Cable Broadband. It's going to be Chaos & Havok tonight ftw, but hopefully VAE will be able to do their thing and prevail."
me thinks ur katanas gonna rape their German asses!
me thinks I like banana papaya and something else!! :D:D
hf vae, gl dzone, tho both won't help =O
i bet all my e-cash, that dZone won't make they way through to the second objectives on both maps :X
You are all in on dZone fail
You lost

No worries, Peter Zwegat will help you out :/
gl hf
gl Noorgrin :-)
gl hf :)
You have € 10 on de d.Zone Cancel bet
Possible win: € 258.1
You have € 100 on d.Zone
Possible win: € 2281
4:0 VAE
Fill in score I want my 3 € profit!
For the first (and I hope last) time in my life, I have to agree with you: I LOL'D TOO.