Team Explanation vs pHys1x Multigaming (3241 views)
07.08.08 21:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | 4v4 Hosted Infantry Cup | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Area22 | |
Salvage |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: neobsen (none) | |
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![]() By: Killerd@rk (none) | |
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![]() By: Seanza (none) | |
Total Slots: 106
Viewer Peak: 15
Viewer Peak: 15

Physix won't let Novi & Chris play this match. It may go on as a forfeit win to them if we can't have another 2 players.
sorry, but how can physix stop them?
Vitez offered us that choice.
mmm i see...
Cheats mindgame! CHEATS!!
lol, how did you come to that conclusion.
whatever cloud says goes tbh.
We? Vitez wont let your players play. And that is fair..!
(If you say things like this, I wont be nice anymore, heumeu..)
(If you say things like this, I wont be nice anymore, heumeu..)
Actually Vitez said we could play aslong as you were ok with it. So you had the decision not him.
gl LOL'd!
all my money on #e GL
You have 60 on #e.
Possible win: 136.2 go
Possible win: 136.2 go
Yeah sux that Chris & Novi can't play but atleast this gives Wormed a chance to "shine" in 4v4 cup & debut in his 2nd 4v4 in 3 months lol!
Also big shout outs to his boss for letting him have the night off work.
We are still currently unsure of our 4th as Shiv might not be able to make it, we will find out tomorrow.
Also big shout outs to his boss for letting him have the night off work.
We are still currently unsure of our 4th as Shiv might not be able to make it, we will find out tomorrow.
... oh no, w8, i will be on Iron Maiden's concert! :D
... oh no, w8, i will be on Iron Maiden's concert! :D
Well thats rather lame. Amazing what some ppl will do to increase there odds of winning a match! Hope you win #e best of luck!
n00b!!! We only said that its unfair if #e will play with 2/3 (TCM) first division players (chris and novi, and maybe rag).
We said it to Vitez, that it's unfair. And Vitez said that they are NOT! allowed to play.
So su!
We said it to Vitez, that it's unfair. And Vitez said that they are NOT! allowed to play.
So su!
So you will let one of them play?
well seanza, it's the same issue as here at #a.Toon
we also have 2 new players from former prediction in our new lineup, but due to cb rules they are not allowed to play.
luckily we have got 6 others sometimes (but without training). but we can't change rules.
we also have 2 new players from former prediction in our new lineup, but due to cb rules they are not allowed to play.
luckily we have got 6 others sometimes (but without training). but we can't change rules.
But our players were allowed to play in the 1st round :/ We got added to the cup late due to a Division 2 team dropping out. Vitez added all of our players to the Allowed Players List. We are now being punished for that. Novi & Chris were in our team before we joined the Cup. All of our opponents knew of this and now that phx/div are "scared" of losing (although I believe it would have been a fair game with them in anyway).
Neo, I believe your Pred players were added to your roster AFTER you joined the cup? I could be wrong, but if this is the case then yes it's against the rules for them to play. But as I said, Novi & Chris were added by the cup admin to our APL before we entered the cup :) And now we're being victimised for it. But c'est la vie. We wil try our best but if we lose atleast we know it's because we weren't able to field our best, whereas they can.
Neo, I believe your Pred players were added to your roster AFTER you joined the cup? I could be wrong, but if this is the case then yes it's against the rules for them to play. But as I said, Novi & Chris were added by the cup admin to our APL before we entered the cup :) And now we're being victimised for it. But c'est la vie. We wil try our best but if we lose atleast we know it's because we weren't able to field our best, whereas they can.
ye, but they left pred without playing one match... whatever..
but taking them away from apl afterwards is quite strange.
but taking them away from apl afterwards is quite strange.
scared of losing? lol'd
You guys all know Nubj is stupid right and doesn't understand english nor dutch lawl.
Vexx, please don't make any conclusion about stuff you don't know!
Vexx, please don't make any conclusion about stuff you don't know!
Well as far as i knew they had been in #e for a good while now about a month or more ? And just because they had the good fortune to pick up a couple of good players means they should be punished for it ? If i got this wrong please tell me, tho im guessing novi and chris where not in the team when they entered this cup then ?
Yeah you're completely right Vexx. And Chris & Novi were indeed in our team before we entered the cup. Like I said up a couple posts, phx/div complained about the team being too good for them. I guess some people will do anything to get the easy win. Wormed played his 1st 4v4 in 3 months last night, he did ok but not great. TimeStar has no mic and it looks like we'll have to play him tonight. We're still unsure if we can even get a 4th. Maybe phx will atleast let us play Chris :/
Actually I just asked Vitez wether they were allowed to play, not complained about it. Vitez wasn't rly giving an answer so I said, ok it doesn't matter then. Then he said it does matter they are not allowed to play. So I was like okay they are not allowed.
Next day I heard from Seanza and Novi that they were allowed to play IF their opponents agree, so basically Vitez offered me the choice of letting them play or not. I discussed it for like 2 hours with my team and the result is shown above.
Next day I heard from Seanza and Novi that they were allowed to play IF their opponents agree, so basically Vitez offered me the choice of letting them play or not. I discussed it for like 2 hours with my team and the result is shown above.
Why would you ask? You could just check APL that Vitez made for us. Novi & Chris joined us, then we joined the cup. We didn't join then add them. But yeah whatever, you guys want ez win, we understand.
4v4 Hosted SummerCup is INDEED serious business. :d
5 jewros on Seanza the Fat!
Why isn't anyone whining because im playing >.> racist motherfuckers :XD
why the fuck noob like Cloud is playing? cheater gay
happy? attention whore
happy? attention whore
gl Cloudje
imo cloudje is from TCM so he can't play
But he was in the APL before Physix were in the cup.
Oh snap! That's the same situation with Chris & Novi.
Admin favouritism ftw!
Oh snap! That's the same situation with Chris & Novi.
Admin favouritism ftw!
orly ? :o
I actually just checked the log of phx & Cloud was added 3 days after the teams were made up in the cup.
Think I'll have to speak to Vitez, either that or they let us play 1 of our guys so we can make 4?
Think I'll have to speak to Vitez, either that or they let us play 1 of our guys so we can make 4?
Sure speak to Vitez
Nah Vitez himself doesn't suck, he's the reason Clanbase is stil having ETQW ladders & cups.
<3 Vitez
<3 Vitez
omgomgomg i post in an epic etqw thread!!!
Wauw, there are a lot comments in here :D
Fanmail? :D
Hatemail? :<
Fanmail? :D
Hatemail? :<
I wish i was femail?
Onoez has said Chris can play if Cloud gets his PC fixed.
You have 180 on #e.
win: 424.8 THS
win: 424.8 THS
You have 80 on #e.
You won 188.8
You won 188.8
Official statement:
"Without our 3 of our strongest regular players for this line (Thomas on vacation, Chris & Novi disallowed to play), we went into this match somewhat hesitant but trying to keep our heads up. Shiv was called in at last min & Wormed prac'd his aim ALL day long. The match was always going to be epic with the rivalry between these 2 sides but we pulled through in the end with a convincing win on Salvage and a well defended win on Area 22. GGs Divine!
PS. Divine, keep checkin' for coverage of the Semi's."
"Without our 3 of our strongest regular players for this line (Thomas on vacation, Chris & Novi disallowed to play), we went into this match somewhat hesitant but trying to keep our heads up. Shiv was called in at last min & Wormed prac'd his aim ALL day long. The match was always going to be epic with the rivalry between these 2 sides but we pulled through in the end with a convincing win on Salvage and a well defended win on Area 22. GGs Divine!
PS. Divine, keep checkin' for coverage of the Semi's."
Official statement from #e.Chris:
"After bum cheek re-constructive surgery a few weeks back I've got my head down and being practicing hard for this super serious 4v4 hosted Summer Cup, I was delighted to have helped get this team into the play off stages and was eagerly awaiting our first playoff match. However a couple of days ago I read that Novi and myself are beyond awesome and should not be allowed play in this division of the cup.
A few heated discussions later and it was decided that me and Novi were indeed not allowed to play in this match, this well and truly broke my heart, literally as I suffered a stress induced heart attack upon hearing the news. Anyway a few hours in A&E passed and I was back at home.
Once home I was assured that the replacements for me and Novi would do us justice however I had my reservations about us being replaced by a cross-dresser and a professional gravel eater. It turns out I needn't of worried as the line up proved their worth and convincingly beat that other team.
Hopefully I'll be participating in the next match and so does my doctor who warns any more undue stress could cause severe and long lasting damage to my heart..."
"After bum cheek re-constructive surgery a few weeks back I've got my head down and being practicing hard for this super serious 4v4 hosted Summer Cup, I was delighted to have helped get this team into the play off stages and was eagerly awaiting our first playoff match. However a couple of days ago I read that Novi and myself are beyond awesome and should not be allowed play in this division of the cup.
A few heated discussions later and it was decided that me and Novi were indeed not allowed to play in this match, this well and truly broke my heart, literally as I suffered a stress induced heart attack upon hearing the news. Anyway a few hours in A&E passed and I was back at home.
Once home I was assured that the replacements for me and Novi would do us justice however I had my reservations about us being replaced by a cross-dresser and a professional gravel eater. It turns out I needn't of worried as the line up proved their worth and convincingly beat that other team.
Hopefully I'll be participating in the next match and so does my doctor who warns any more undue stress could cause severe and long lasting damage to my heart..."