Distrail vs fanatics.et (5397 views)

nl Ming
il pALA
be Stricken
ca rockstAr
ca rossko
pl Tedziu
pl inOs
pl 45
pl Sinn1e
pl th0rdis
13.08.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Torres (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Total Pot: € 12694
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de homeofhosts.com #1
By: Broodman (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


You have 10000 on pl Fan Cancel bet
Possible win: 18400
lol nice total pot already :D
2nd ... GL fanatics
come on distrail :D

im on holidays in france so cant make it :(
I'm dedicating this match to you torres <3
gl distrail hf. gl rossko, rockstAr <3
ar Ming
cu pALA
sr Stricken
jo rockstAr
so rossko

#idk-esports , Distrail
Ming should have the chinese flag
rossko wat sort of flags r they xD
gl Stricken !
pl Tedziu
pl inOs
pl 45
pl Sinn1e
pl th0rdis
gl hf :)
polish hacks, but ssshh dont tell anyone :x
You have € 168 on Distrail
Possible win: € 1172.64

izi money
Th0rdis pokaraj !!
GL Distrail! x)
Fanatics pokarac ich GL:*
gl in0s
Gl rossko
lol hf ming
GL Stricken!<3
GL distrail
HF ming,rockstar and torres :D
Ming plays against low+ usually he wont have a chance :(
stfu retard
Btw, you will take part in my fragmovie too, so I don't think you are much better :D
accordong to this clipje i had 5 man of your team including you in a not even backraping scene? no thnx mister
jeez rossko just rollin' in that clip (he made it himself; pro moviemaker imo)
srry its me & i made it
kRzz mowilem juz mysl potem pisz ... wez moze idz sie pobaw do piaskownicy ... takie wypowiedzi zachowaj dla siebie , pokaz sie na ETTV bo chce sie posmiac
gl rossko!
torressssssssss <3333333333333333333333333"
! :D Odzewal sie ten co nie ma flagi Polski. Chlopie, ogarnij sie i zacznij rodzine wyzywac od Poltardow bo wychowali takiego ogra jak Ty. Pozdrawam... Fanatics <3
gl rossko and rockstar
gl 'chlopcy' Fan
gl pala & rossko
gl pala
Go ming , GO distrail !!
np 4 fanatics!
<3 rockstar and rossko .. CANADIAN POWAH!!! :D
cmon distrail!
gl sinn1e :**
Fanatics!? what is that;O
Przemus? who are you? Oo
gl ming
ty mister
np ming ya pwner
hmm there is something wrong about this conversation but I can't figure out what >:?
LOEL PALA GOGOGO my lil jew !!
go distrail :p
pala sucks lol
there is REPLY button nubcake
gl Distrail. make me rich
Ming is a ching
wrong server posted :<
lol they left at 2-2
so final result?
score btW ?:D
?:? LOL
so eh.. do I get my money? D:
they left at 2-2 so should mean we get the 4-2 and you get your money :)
distrail wins 4-2
gg :D Distrail, the same clan where I used to be ? It was finnish tho :o