FastFoodSlaughters vs Old Timers & Intern (3939 views)

nl outlAw
be carnage
nl Krepox
pl h2o
gb Jinosta
pl WuT
mt toxic
pl Abject
be mAus
nl sQuid
be z3to
ET Draft Cup 2020
Division 1

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Nice, first game organized let's go
Show some balls!!!! But remember, not literally like last night you wanker ;-)
should be unbanned tomorrow :)
Gl viSualWuTyan
Gl juicy
yesteday i bet mAus becouse he dont think

gl both
gl zeto. I hope you live a long life
You have € 500 on eu OT&I
You lost

i tried to change my bet at 21:02 when i realised OT&I had zeto playing instead of retourneur
wp Jean, unlucko
Very nice game!
Shoutcast here:
Insert bobikas quote of superteam
karnaj is back