SaH Gaming vs oLe!-TeaM (5277 views)
17.08.08 20:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 5on5 Summer Cup 2008 | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
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![]() By: andyF1 (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 40
Viewer Peak: 40

1st... show us the teams plz :P
think it will be anounced sunday..
My team will be announced this friday
Voy a empezar a apostar peniques.
plz english ok?
O sino ke? Mandaras a tu ejercito de frikis a obligarnos a no hablar en nuestro idioma en un partido de un equipo de nuestro pais?
k duro :$
Mas que el pan de ayer :o
pollotardo :O)

go zilleh go!
Si juega russafa el partido es vuestro... by the way
Rave, el russafa esta desaparecido por el ts de ole, asike como es comprensible no jugara.
Si hubiera aparecido algun puto dia abria jugao por el thes. es todo
Si hubiera aparecido algun puto dia abria jugao por el thes. es todo
lol seguro
Gl SaH. go Truifel =]
lets see if you are going to do like against Insanus :)
played against them knowing that 1 guid was not correct, didn't say a thing and lost, then whined to the admins to won by forfeit :) gg ole!
played against them knowing that 1 guid was not correct, didn't say a thing and lost, then whined to the admins to won by forfeit :) gg ole!
Our guids are OK m8, u should check it ureself!
missed the point, i'm not saying your guids are wrong, just saying ole are lamme as hell... they won't tell you if something is wrong, they will just play and whine after to the admin :)
We just had fun owning u on delivery. So plz, get lost and die of cancer.
i'm not from insanus and you get owned in the other two maps lolol
was that fun too?
it was just lamme... if you won you woudn't whine to the ref but you lost fair and square... i pitty you
was that fun too?
it was just lamme... if you won you woudn't whine to the ref but you lost fair and square... i pitty you
SO if you arent from insanus, what the hell are you doing here? Plz go school and learn what does fair mean, you are wasting time here with your egowhine complaints.
i'm not in insanus but i'm all the time with them and for that i don't have to be in the team...
lol nice changing the point when you know you were lamme and still are... and sending me to school is yet another show of your maturity when you don't even know my age nor my school degree...
just like docent said, rly low oponent...
lol nice changing the point when you know you were lamme and still are... and sending me to school is yet another show of your maturity when you don't even know my age nor my school degree...
just like docent said, rly low oponent...
It would be a waste of time if i try to talk with you as a mature person, coz you are defending people who played with an invalid guid. So you are still retard arguing something that can't be argued, only because of you are their "friend" or known.
Just stfu and enjoy summercup semifinals&final.
Just stfu and enjoy summercup semifinals&final.
waste of time?? lol that guid is his, if you check cb that guid is his aswell, not the last one but is his...
you still missed the point of my coment by far, i'm not arguing because of the guid it self, but because of your atitude, you know he an incorrect guid and didn't say a thing, played with them, lost and after that win by forfeit, as i was told if you agree to play against them the result counts... looks like this way was diferent
and you say i'm the retar :D ofc...
you still missed the point of my coment by far, i'm not arguing because of the guid it self, but because of your atitude, you know he an incorrect guid and didn't say a thing, played with them, lost and after that win by forfeit, as i was told if you agree to play against them the result counts... looks like this way was diferent
and you say i'm the retar :D ofc...
gl Sah hf Ole We w8 on final xDDD
I hope we meet u in the finals Dymek.
jo best iej :D
suerte ole! :)
gl sah :)
gl both cu in final :)
Si raveman no juega con nosotros yo creo que perdemos XDDDDDDDDDD
Chicas no os peleis que hay mazapan para todas.
pimpus belgiantard :* <3
Raveman si un player no entrena no juega, no hay favoritismos.
pimpus belgiantard :* <3
Raveman si un player no entrena no juega, no hay favoritismos.
espera 1 sec: Raveman si un player no entrena no juega, "no hay favoritismos". ekisde
:D ha sonao a lo luis aragones eeee!! :XD
bytheway son las 10
ROFL si has posteao a las 9!!
ole :
low, whine
gl sah, rly low opponent
low, whine
gl sah, rly low opponent
Lose 4on5 on grush and now whine&cry ;D
get skill :)
2 easy 4 ole
gl SaH, gl porn !! :)
gl pimp
easy win voor sah als prn niet teveel in de weg loopt. (<3 prn)
geld op mijn broerke !!
geld op mijn broerke !!
<3 siL
No esta anunciada la line-up de Ole!, no sabes quien poner o que?¿
Si juega russafa os pongo ganadores "by the way son las 22:50, ok gracias soy muy educado y si me alejo del piano más de 10 metros me explota el collarín que tengo en el cuello"
P.D by the way, gl SaH xd
Si juega russafa os pongo ganadores "by the way son las 22:50, ok gracias soy muy educado y si me alejo del piano más de 10 metros me explota el collarín que tengo en el cuello"
P.D by the way, gl SaH xd

PD: goma no ponemos a rusafa porke no keremos pasar de este match a la final ok?. eke si kisieramos pasar lo abriamos puesto sin duda. k kede claro. si keremos ganar ponemos a rusafa si no keremos ganar no lo ponemos asi de simple asike como nos vamos a dejar ganar apostar por los otros :S
lo que yo decia :)
pues eso apostar por los sah xk pasamos d seguir en la sc. keremos el bronce y punto ^^
los chatarreros compran bronce virtual ?
G0ma deja de dar lastima con tus tonterias sobre russafa, lo unico que haces es perjudicarle a el enfrentando a los dos bandos. Deja de hacer el niñato y empieza a entender que si un tio no entrena no juega. Tanta pataleta colega eres como retrasao pero sin el 'como'.
dejale shev, tio si vamos a jugar for fun asik dejales k ganen pasta apostando en contra, si vamos a perder =
go pons!
Shev ponme a mi que estoy fino!!!! ^_^
i'd say go SaH if it wasnt for our differences...
So eh, GO OLE xD
yes, im evil that way :(
So eh, GO OLE xD
yes, im evil that way :(
gg suerte en la final , metalet :)
score ?
4-2 ole-team
gg close match