Sebhes BdayBash vs ipod BdayRuiner (5843 views)

nl GiZmOoO
nl iNsAne
nl Jay
be Jere
nl outlAw
nl Sebhes
us ipod
pl Kirej
be mAus
is phyZic
gb Jinosta
mt toxic
A match in honor to celebrate the 27th anniversary of nl Sebhes


Lol sebhes birthday present to himself how cute
elysium trying to play mixes now instead i see :P
xD! HB
Hahaha thx amigo, appreciate it :D
ready to lose like last year
You have € 111027 on cl Seb <:o) Cancel bet
Possible win: € 204289.68
big Örvar
hf Kirej, ipod :)
but Is mAus rifle? :thinking:
hf steve
Gonna watch in bar.

bars arent closed there?
his desk is his bar
true big bar
ready to shoutcast together?
XD i would fuck up every comm, alcoholic casts
or he lives in the bar :D
one of them is not like the others
ipod is so bad that if they lose 12-0 he's the reason and if they win he's definitely not the reason why
toxens spotted :---DDDDDDD
Happy birthday Sebhes m8
I give old geezers 3 maps before their egos are completely crushed and they want to go to bed. 6-0 gizmo
HB Seb!
Bots farmed