#skillfake.et vs Team-sektor (8282 views)

de uLtraaa
de noose_
de woDka
de noexx
de Rayzed
de sick
nl Caesr
nl Musli
nl Kaaskop
be Bobax
be Carnage
be Boetn
28.08.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: uLtra. (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 12887
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de #187.et ETTV
By: MukMuk (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #Outlaw.et ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de homeofhosts.com #1
By: Broodman (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 7
By: essAh (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


Team-Sektor low-/+ max :( it's sad, ET going backwards like this. Gl other team! Own Boetn plz.. that belgian retard.
gl sektor rude bwais
btw sweex u suck
boetn you belgian retard:D
gl sektor
skillfke need rAKJI
no can do


we'll win anyway :S
low+ or high it doesn't matter ! game is game !
I can show you the way but you must walk it alone! Bruce Lee!
all my money on sektor
Prolly sektor linup:

nl Caesr (Captain)
nl Musli
nl Kaaskop
be Bobax
be Carnage
be Boetn
GL Skillfake.. Sektor Poke + Skill :D
imo uLtraaa FTW!
gl ultra
ez for boetn and bobax
no rakji no win ^^
gluck skillfake
goed geluk boetn , jupiler power ( btw had geproefd smaakte niet slecht)
xD Infernal, smaakt niet slecht :o Is verdorie beste bier (zonder de sterke bieren dan gerekend)
hertog jan is 12x beter :<
Izi bash voor bobax
no rAKJI no win ,,, gl both
die werdens schon richten die skillfaker :D

good luck meinerseits haut drauf °°!!°°
Gl sektor!
all on sektor pls :D
i played one guy in sektor in 2on2, and he thought we hacked and muted us and reffed the maps and whenever we planted he would put us in spec, but they still got owned.
pls keep on kidding me
for starters we never play 2on2
further on, i don't know any of the guys who would do that also because they don't have ref pass

so pls, take your crap to somewhere else
Ah yes, people will make up such things :XD
i'm not saying it didn't happen
i'm just saying it weren't our members
fix your engrish. I'm just saying it wasn't any of our members.
dude that's like just the same :O
and engrish?
yeah you know when you make fun of anothers english you put eng(r)ish, And i'm pretty sure you wouldn't put the word weren't in that sentence srry.
i know u anyways :D u kicked us out of your cup 1 year ago, because we won a map from malczik, and that meant we hax :DD
don't even know that anymore, and if i'm not wrong we didn't kick any clan
The only problem we had was with a clan who hadn't shown up
it was long time ago, but i remember. u remember flashfire? ;) ^^ your big friend
no, soz, i got like worst memory ever :D
especially with names
You kicked the clan I was in at the time :X

Don't even know which one it was >.< Rless prolly
yes, some ppl take hallucinating mushrooms
and then they say such things
no picture no proof.
gl bobax 8D
go Carnage
doe alle best ma eh boetn , bobax ,carnage, kaas , caesr en musli

eyh das iedereen lol :D
Awesome match full of EC-Winning potential, requiring TosspoT to shoutcast this !
in your very wet dreams u will get to this lvl..:P
rofl kaaskop
You have 15 on skllfke
Possible win: € 55.65 xD
Gl sektorrrR
You have € 55 on de skllfke
Possible win: € 187.55
mh i should paly paly for skillfake and the bets would be nice :XDDDD
ure a noname you wont make a diffenernce
olol dezire tries to di$$ me :XDDDD
no im not, but since ure noname you wont rly make a diff in the bets, just to ppl who know cuz they know ure extremely good
lol'd but youre always flaming me :<
not rly, most of it is just sarcasm ;]
You have € 1122 on de skllfke Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3074.28
fail Pending Money 0 €

btw: You have € 1000 on de skllfke Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3290
hm...no rakji again?
Score? :D
v51 ~! score.?
what a pitty
nice war skillfake
warum nich thx²Rayzed????
eben ich hab nix gemacht... GAR NIX ...
rayzed schnauze!
jeeeeee Nooose, wie gehts? oOoO
You have € 28 on de skllfke
You won € 93.24
wo isn kenji der cheater?