DRAFTCUPWINNERS 2K21 vs Team Locked Up (4985 views)

pl BloOdje
pl h2o
pl hunter
pl dialer
pl jason hayes
pl grzesiek
be Jere
gb Jinosta
pl Kirej
tr Reina
nl hayaa
nl Sebhes
ET Draft Cup 2021
Division 1 playoffs

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Draft Cup 2021 Division 1
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Jinosta (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4634
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Video Streams
By: szczurek
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Polish

Viewer Peak: 55

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13

Overall Viewerpeak: 68


gl BOTH!
GL Jason, Bloodje and buggs
Szybki disband będzie panowie xDDD
Hf Stownage :)
Pozdro h2O:)
GL buggs kirej
2 mecze i disband kapitan zarzadzi
el kapitano miałeś nosa 28 deaths without fragging :DDDDDDDSS
GL simon.pl, sebhes and dialer!
Hope you play braundorf as opening game of this wonderful cup
stownage moving to poland soon i expect
gl both
Go to win
Where is MIRUKU
Living in real.
He got girl friend finally
Tell Miruku to send me his original full config from years ago if he still has it (_,_)
omg omg Kirark senpai
hmm... moze by pokomentowac?
pod warunkiem ze 75% czasu bedziesz specowac klejnot znad odry - slyszalem ze grzesiu bedzie karac
az sie musialem zalogowac xD
Odpal strima na showupie xD
Abject Member Since 7th May 2010 zabije cie ty kurwo
GL Grzegorz Smark- Kocham, Pozdrawiam (2020) i kirej - the last polish proper med+ player
Are these pliers sharp? DCWINNERS BloOdje 28 deaths without fragging

replay of this stream with my commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQf0LYB9p5Y
pojeby xD
insert pokemon picture
niby pojeby a jednak wygrali