#FiF.red vs romaniancyberwarrior (6909 views)

be Frauwe
fr milit
fr sword
tr TanQ
de darwin
fi Metsuri
nl xeoxis
be nAzty
hu hensie
hu boristen
hu bAlu
hu pleiadok
hu mika
hu leo
hu ocelot
31.08.08 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TanQ (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 25731
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
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de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
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de #Outlaw.et ETTV #2
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#2?
By: sc0rpi0n (ettvd)
de arni.name ettv 1
By: essAh (ettvd)

de homeofhosts.com #2
By: Broodman (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 93


rofl, new team (mix) and new matches of fif on gtv!
its not a mix.

gl red
gl metsuri
easy for fif gl frauwe and milit
kebabs always win
go TanQ :)
gl salope de milit :DDD
wsh wsh j'ss tn + grd (lol!) fan!!
ok ma pute

( fake skill )
gl tanQ
izi 4 milit :)
izi for sCoot
gl TanQ
gl TanQ
gl Frauwe & gl Red !
2 easy for red !!!
gl roodjes
gl metsuri
gl FIF Red
Good luck Friends in Force *Re
gl milit
metsu nub
hf playing with cheater TanQ.
gl red!
to izi for red
All my money on FiF Red
Bon match hier Milit refait le même aujourd'hui :)
gl milit
Good luck RCW. :-)
gl FiF r and TanQ <3
Milit sale con :D

Gl ^^
GL mates <3 salak tanq :D pannakoekjes for power frauwe :D
Sok szerencsét, csak azért raktam rátok mert nagy a szorzó :)
gl FiF red :)
hf Metsuri :D
ti nyomorekok vagytok?
GL TANQ & the rest of red :)
leo riflével toljad mert nekik is jó van
Gl milit
gl frauwe
Didn't nazty played for fify?
set backup there & fif red is better with pracctimes nd shit :D
gl epée
gogo rcw
hf TanQ & Frauwe
hu mika ??

fakenicker :|

be mika > hu mika :(
pls its be m.ka :p
hu mika playing since rtcw release afaik, so :)
mika played rtcw demo also, and he played also another game: urban terror, before rtcw demo was released, so :))
maybe, maybe not, anyway he didn't play in one single skilled and known clan on ET, nor rtcw :[

mika.be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mika.hu x 1000
So what dude ? When you started rtcw/et under this nick, did you know that there's any player under the same nick ?
oh and btw
good ex-teams won't make you a good player.
ofc not (tbh I don't recall anyone else using my nickname except fanboys) but next time don't imply the mika you know is better than the belgian one, and btw besides having played in good teams, he's also a skilled player
He didnt say the hungarian is better as far as i see :p
he was meaning it I guess.
than your guess was totally wrong.
look @ fra's comment, just down of this one :)
yea he didn't clearly say that :P but the little "so...:)" at the end of his sentence made me wonder actually!
gl tanqy and xeoxis
gl RcW<3 bAlu<3<3:D
TanQ !!!!
2 izi for xeoxis
gl srácok;)
gogo RCW :)
gl tanQ
gogo FiF|red gl you are the better !!!
thx m8! :) how is now job?
good is hard but is a good job! gl for the other match mates!
Bori GL ! :)
boristen & ocelot ftw!
metsuri ugy belo mindenkit mint a büdös szar!

edit: hülyegyerek megyegyelek?
too izi for RcW
mega izi for RcW all my money on them
shoutout to killerboy !!! xD
You have € 4000 on FiFr
You won € 4600
You have € 250 on eu RcW
Possible win: € 1952.5
You have € 666 on RcW
Possible win: € 5201.46
You have € 56 on FiFr
You won € 64.4

Hát fiaim... :D Well played.
omfg BoRi ... my money ! (DIE)
ty fif (4 money)
ez bash, goed jongens
Oh plz. low + max