Team Explanation vs LOL'd (3888 views)

gb Seanza
gb Chris
gb TimeStar
be Thomas
Not Announced
08.09.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: 4v4 Hosted Infantry Cup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Generaladmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 3376
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 80
Viewer Peak: 37


Pretty much sure that this will go to Seanza and company ;x

Still - good luck for both teams :x
#e. fosho
low+ vs med
lol'd will take it
Good luck #e! i will be rootin for you! and i have a spare 10 fake e-moneis to bet on you woot woot!
wheres the luv for lol'd man, where's the luv for sl4y3r :(
oh yeh and much <3 for sl4y3rz! We made babies! So if you win money goes to me for child benefit tnx!
:D but you can't pay your way out of being a responcible father :) i hope changed your bet to lol'd to win or i'm getting teh CSA on yo ass!
No Wormed!
We wish, that guy needs to work like 24/7 it seems
all my moneis on #e
gl LOL'd, i'll bet my money on you when i get some.
easy #e ?
i wish gl 2 every one, this will be most difficult match in the whole cup for us...
We played you at the beginning nub :P

Seriously though, tough 1 to call!
gl Lolled!
You have € 50 on LOL'd
Possible win: € 111.5

plz :)
gl Seanz
Official statement from TimeStar:
"This will be a tough match for both teams, I feel #e. and LOL'd are very closely matched so it should make for an exciting final. Hopefully I will be able to get a good view from the bench :("
gl hf ;)
Gl all!
You have € 85 on LOL'd
Possible win: € 260.1
gl LOL'd!
Alrighty! Now we'll win 4 sure.
Since Novi has chosen the best time to let his internet fail, we're playing with TimeStar.
still a strong line-up tbh well, at least until my letter bombs kills thomas and chris
easy bash for my "powah"
what a shitgame
we have lost xasd -.- fucking ati tbh
Official Statement from Chris:

"After bum rash problems and teams thinking I'm to pro to play I'd thought I've had all the bad luck one could get during this tourney but today something dreadfull happened on my way to work. I was walking down Bond Street in Leeds where a big issue seller frequents but something was different about him this morning, he had a menacing look in his eyes, I was very worried as no one was around, he knew this and I knew this. So I stepped up my pace in my walk to make a quick escape but the poorly dressed magazine retailer begain to chase after me so I ran as quickly as I could onto the main road however in doing this I tripped on a lose paving slab and landed funnily on my wrist which is now broke. I now can't play in the match of all matches tonight. Unless I can use my foot for mousing..."
Chris - i wish u to recover as soon as possible!

it depends on the case, but usually it takes about a month to recover from a bone-brakes....i did it 3 times =)
LOL'd lineup?

he will use 4 computers and play all at the same time :O
etqw sux
Not enough for you both to check out this fixture...


oh, so you both are saying that never played in on promod competitively?
Dezire sux in etqw?
you have € 50 on LOL'd
you win: € 135
gg wp, was great match.
yep, was very very close
epic game.

You have € 10 on LOL'd
You won € 27

Official Statement from Chris:

omagad! we finaly did it!

ggs, wp!

I don't think that a 4v4 match can be more entertaining than this one...
you have 231 € on #e.

: (

tx a lot thomas : (
go practice on pubs more imho :-(
Don't blame me, blame chris for having a broken wrist
no, blame LOL'd!
You have € 20 on ru LOL'd
You won € 54

You have € 85 on LOL'd
You won € 229.5