#FiF.red vs AntiClimax (6161 views)

be Frauwe
be Achilles
fr milit
tr TanQ
pl cisy
de darw1n
be nAzty
nl xeoxis
nl Funkerman
nl chin0
nl Hope
be Secret Weapon
be Flashy
be Kosk
nl Juize
14.09.08 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TanQ (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 12581
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #4
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#2?
By: sc0rpi0n (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)

xx #mx.org ETTV-2
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl hf both
fifr new cwg imo
No chance for AntiClimax without seNti & myth6s.
Still talking about myth6s , phunny :)
hf tanqy :D
Funkerman going to take it of course.
gl easy for frauwe & milit :)
all in for tanq!
gl randori flash nick!
aClmx ftw
gl randori! =)
Flashy attention whore

request more matches @ ettv the same evening pls :D

+ grand finale bel - pol
I'm more like a slave! Most of them asks to me: Can u plz request ettv?
So you do it with bleeding heart :-)
Idd :( Because I know we will lose both matches
we didn't ask you to put it on ettv ! :x?
FiFr btw
Go Flashy :)
Easy Bash imo
ken je mij niemeer ?:|
Tuurlijk wel
Ik blame u als jullie verliezen :D
Ik wist zeker dat jullie gingen winnen :) Goed gedaan!
Dank voor het geld :D
You have € 34 on be aClmx Cancel bet
Possible win: € 61.88

ik speel niet :'<
bet dus maar op die andere
Oh dankje voor het vertrouwen dat je uitstraalt naar het team, je bent kicked, ha!
Gl RED !!!
gl fif ! cisy !! : D
gl hope
nick if you lose ill cut your balls off
I have nothing to do with this match :)
gl tanq (O:
FiFr eu 2.01
1.99 be aClmx =.=
gl fifr
gl hf zeker ..
4-0 aclmx
î guess i saw a lag when speccing frauwe
Krijg je er van als je xeoxis niet laat spelen.
You have € 1457 on be aClmx
You won € 2374.91

thx :)
You have 4 on aClmx
You won 6.52

lol so expected result....the 2 week clan is dead :)))
lol we are not death i know thats got to hurt you!
and tbh idd expected what you think that a team that only plays 3months togetter vs a team that plays than more for 1year togetter :|
that was a hard one xedos!
btw nice to have a fanboy like you, don't think enyone ells cares more about fifred than you!
I care about fairplay only..you sir, are a typical example of the opposite.
Please tell me when we didn't do fairplay.
oh please?? are you so dumb to forget? And you cancelled the match on cb so it disappeared and your teams faggotry didnt get the def lost u deserved.
Quoterule 17.1

"Once a match has started, its result counts, unless both sides agree it shouldn't. Ping, lag issues or incorrect server settings are no excuse for leaving; you should have checked the server before you started playing."

The match wasn't started yet, so we had the right to swap servers. ETTV or not. It is not an issue. They cannot demand a forfeit win, it either a cancel match or reschedule.

Anything else you'd like to say.
gtfo with this old story..your performance was witnessed by enough people who thought it was necessary to even make a journal on xfire about it..
And since when do those people have the right to say if a match should be cancelled or not.
hey fanboy :)
1 year o:
Tom for EC :)