polar eSports vs Art of Wolfenstein (7140 views)

nl perfo
mt toxic
de butchji
de snoop
gb mztik
at potter
pt mAv
at jaN
de fLoPjehZ
de kReSt
de krucio
at Scorchi
de coLdicE
de Bl4d3
ET-Scene Cup v2 - FINAL

Maps: each team choice one from the mappool.


1. braundorf_b4
2. sw_goldrush_te
3. sp_delivery_te
4. frostbite
5. adlernest
6. supply
7. Bremen_b2
8. Radar


09.09.08 21:45 CEST
Get Button LinksHTML:
Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: varit (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 37639
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #187.et ETTV
By: MukMuk (ettvd)
de #Outlaw.et ETTV #2
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de kai.eyeshoot.de
By: ng (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 186


gl both :D
2nd gl to polar own the cheaters
gl krest! vogelin <3
polar as best clan :D?
2 izi for the fucking hackers
need someone to record the demo of jan + scorch.
well I would say just request their demos after the match.
you got the CB link of this match? or its a fun war?
gl jaN and butchji

Butchji will give a ass-whoop for these humanized bot -users :>D
butchji hax too.. so np XD
out of all 12 people on that server, yeh butchji is the one cheating :(
geile quoten :D
1.01 100 plz
gl mztik..
You have € 5 on AoW
Possible win: € 227.25
is aber unwahrscheinlich, dass aow gewinnt xD
Possible win: 154.35

cheat :(^^
normal xD
gl scorch & jaN :)
gl aow

hf snoop,butchji & mztik :)
gl :D
polar ofc.
1stage def throughout the 2 maps.
hf snoop lol.
welcome to round 4 polar :O

You have € 68 on de polar Cancel bet
Possible win: € 70.04

gl hf all
gl perfo
jasper imo
gl krest !
gl 2 us

we will need it!
izi 4 butchji :D
gl polar pwn the cheatertards!
izi 4 sNoOP
heh...fair game :)
well i see at least 3 cheaters ...
"Maps: each team choice one from the mappool."

You have € 10 on de AoW Cancel bet
Possible win: € 899.6

make me rich.. geelii perfo and butchji
Have Fun, snoopi and butchji.
Good Luck, AoW.

Name 'em, 'cause I don't see 'em
give me shoutout krest!
rly iziiiiiiiiiii bash
delga = ?
= mAv
toxiccccccc 4 potm for his pf!
4:0 now, toxic new winghaven on supply allies :DDD
gg wp :(
thx 2 all!
no stownage no win :(

mAv for polar ? was this a joke?
zabija said he was a merc ^^ <3
How cheaters like jaN can still play ?
He dont even try to hide his WH...

Poor ET
Lol mAvv.....:D! doing some good busnisss!
i see 4 busted players
tering harde lineup
gG butchji...onliner

mav? hmmm gl
nice mav. <3
so you're going to bust him now? :D
whos mav ??
team pt ;p
never heard about this guy.
You did hide under a rock?

He's a nice guy and he's learning kinda fast.
what the hell are you talking about? I asked who was that guy, not if he was nice or w/e ...