a.Toon vs [1stCav] Multigaming (3482 views)

at Zergstarrr
de ab-norm
de glissi
de Rex
de neobsen
Not Announced
Warleagues Final
10.09.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: WL ET:QW Season I
Hosting: Warleagues
Manager: neobsen (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 6652
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #a.Toon ETQW:Pro Server by proPlay.de
By: neobsen (none)
de #a.Toon ETQW:TV by proPlay.de
By: neobsen (none)


Total Slots: 51
Viewer Peak: 21


make me some money ! 1st :P
put my money on 1st cav
gl both but I fear that 1st cav are just too strong...
atoon is gonna be raped! what maps you're going to play?
they CAN win it, my money is on oO

also cause i have only 10 bucks left after #e failed and the bet ratio is kinda nice : P
intresting match.

if dominator plays [1stCav] wins :D
else it will be atoon.
go go Dom1! :D
atoon will lose again .. =D
np for Paris Hilton.
NP for me, I'll be playing under my smurf account DoM1Na7oR again. :D :D
You have € 1 on oO
Possible win: € 10.78
You have € 10 on oO
Possible win: € 108.1
Seeing how is going for atoon, I'll put my electronic moniez on polish players.. :)

Good luck for both teams though!
electric? : O it's not real ?!? .... : O ?
Two new faces in aToon lineup, GL guys i hope you know your tactical assignments ;-)
do not understimate a toon they are very good
You have € 18 on oO
Possible win: € 138.96

gogo abnorm
our unluck in the finals held on and we lost also this one :(
gg 1stcav
gratz to 1stcav.gg's