Cortana vs Overdose-Gaming (10006 views)

hr calisto
hr komar
hr gmx
fr fra
ch GuNnEr
it mama
hu BoRi
hu powi
hu sebi
hu hensie
hu Ocelot
ee EmeRica
Qualifier Match
21.09.08 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 36699
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By: ResP
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Language: Czech

Total Slots: 250
Listener Peak: 14

Enemy Territory TV
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By: DeVito (ettvd)
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de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV #2
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 101


go ovs go!!
gl cortana!
You have € 15 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 28.95

plz :<


gl gunner ;p
obvious who'll whin this :-)
gl cortana :)
should be possible for overdose
buona fortuna ,mama ! :)
Overdose lu:
hu hensie
hu Ocelot
hu powi
hu sebi
ee EmeRica
hu BoRi
wrong LU tbh :D
np 4 overdose... HF cortana ;)
GL HF ovs !
tettem rátok GL
gl fra
gl mama
gogo cortana
Gl fra & mama <3
gl in OC komar
mama can't fail =(
puno srece mama i momci
what about aCoZz ?? TLR or what?
they got direct invite already, no need for quali
mama <3
No chance for ovs with hensie who got owned @ public by me :S
More HS,more DMG,More kill u got owned
You called me a cheater and was crying on vent xDD, you joined 10 minutes before me, and you were allies, and we had 3 less players than you !!!!
adze > hensie - in every different ways.
LIES,it was 1,5 min and you were backraping me all the time and you called that gamesense lol,you had 10 players,we had 6..

u got owned in f2f BTW

hensie >>>>>>> adze
Excuses are not welcome on this page. The fact is fact; you got owned !!!!!!
oh and you got fragged in every singe duel !!! adze > henzsi
lies again

hensie >ADCC()E


Nice one,you have admitted,you got owned by me... :\
Check my previous comment's first line henzsi.
Still, ACCE got owned by hensie
What about calling me a wallhacker, and crying at vent.Like this: ( lol, for sure, why did you watch that box; oh sure, shoot before i come from behind the wall). And you havn't got as much gamesense as I have !!!!!!!!
It was just a little whine about wallhacking..
Backraping people doesnt makes you skilled,and GAMESENSE MASTA ='|

I'm still saying that you got owned in f2f,and i had more damage,hs,kills than you, SOZ =Đ

hensie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACCE
Having 100 headshots for 60 kills ain't as skilled as you think while I had like 45 kills with 90hss :D
More damage & kills explained by joining to the server 10 minutes before me.
Your try is so useless mate!!!!!
- henzsi epic failed -
Had 158 HS ,np..
And i must say again,it wasnt 10 minutes,not even 5, ITS 1.5!

^^-*ACCE failed once more*-^^
Yeah 1,5 minutes would be nice while I was waiting for 10 minutes to get in. Okey shall I talk about the unbalanced teams & duels, crying @ vent, selfkills after you got 100 dmg in a duel oh and How could I forgot the acc ? Had you have more than 40% ? :D
adze 4 - 0 henzsi
Man,I will make an .avi of that,to show the truth.Yes,you should talk about unbalanced teams,we had 6 players,you had 10.
About duels,anytimes when we had face to face,you got owned. :(
You were proud of yourself,when you raped me,like OMG 4 HS,OWNED YOU ONCE MORE =D
I had 49 acc,mr ACCE.

hensie 100- (-10) ACCE CSOKIT

by the way have you had a nice day?or you got owned on pub again?:D
Oke I'm waiting. oh what did you say on vent just a sec ago ? :D
adze: oh 49% acc (laugh) when I chacked your stats you not even had 40 (laugh)
henzsi: no, but srsly I had 44-45%
How do you explain your stats next to mine ?
adze: 40/10
henzsi: 60/50 And you received even more damage than you gave:D
explain this lord henzsi
Lies,Lies and lies...
Had 17 k damage,received 8 k...
And i had more kills than 60 rofl..

Was nice too see your egoquit after i killed you 5 times in a row,since you weren't camping that time. =Đ

stfu pls.
GL !

mi ez az adze vs hensie whine?
izi for Cortana..GL :]
un susage de bo0lish en plus!
Both of you suck as hell adze & hentaiwnb
adze ha ennyi időd van keverni a szart, akár be is állhattál volna 6.-nak xD haha

Cor 1.28
4.63 ovs
You have € 20 on ovs
Possible win: € 92.6

megy ez még 200 fölé is :D de remélem nyertek
fra's back =)
gogo fra gunner gumi <3
Gl Cortana !
gl ovs
gl fra GuNnEr :x
playing vs streetfigther :D
gl Gunner :)
gl Cor!
good luck ovs! eme,boriiii <33
GL!!!!adze gooooooooo
mama will fail
Gl HuN
gl fra, beast
sO FUCKING EASY for cortana
izi for mama
go fra !
yh fra!
gl mama, fra !
mama will win
easy for cortana
This is going to end exactly as Team Crotia vs Team Hungary ended at NC last season ;)
what the fuck is CROTIA?
mama will make the difference
GL Seb1 n Emer <3
gl fra :Q
Rlly lold about ovs getting a qauli
all in
You have € 95 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 106.4
cortana is gonna win without rimi?lolED, get real please.
This is clearly the most easy qualifier to bet on!
Csa minden renbden?
you mean rendben right? [:
unfortunately hes at the states atm :(
Orly? Hm than I need to talk him again because I didn't know that
maccabi haha, his school is not so far away from my house, in fact he has seen me 3 times irl already, but never came to say hello or anything :D only later the day @ ventrilo, "OH DUDE I'VE SEEN U ON TEH SUBURBIAN TRAINZ LoL" :D :<
NP 4 mama :D
I was about to bet on cortana, but then I saw mama.
I was about to bet on cortana, but then I saw your comment.
no aCoZz no win
I'll spec henzsi no doubt!
You have € 30 on hu ovs Cancel bet
Possible win: € 334.5
gl cor: ]
You have € 25 on ovs
Possible win: € 291.5
lol xD
gogogo mama
gl fra , sebi =D
GL seb @ co ^^
gl badblueboys
You have € 50 on hu ovs Cancel bet
Possible win: € 413.5
gl srácok!
delayed,,starts at 21:15 CET
gl mama
easy for cortana, gl!
gl mama(dont fail this time =] ),fra and gunner.
gl cortana
ovs will win
Cmon ovs , go for that EC ticket !

You have € 99 on ovs
Possible win: € 931.59

I iz zeh hensie fanclub ^^
fra + mama = win
Good luck cortana
ye good luck. in oc :DD
do you have more smart comments?
do you have more smart comments?
do you have more smart comments?
do you have more smart comments?
do you have more smart comments?
Breaking the chain! \o/
2:0 ovs
2-0 overdose, very fast time on delivery :o
4:2 Cor
well gg
deserved win!
cotana for EC gold!
You won € 1.2
cortana <3
I thought they can take it after the brilliant first map. I'm really sorry for ovs but it wasnt enough tonigh. Gl in the future, if the clan will continue.
:) We tought so to, but ye :( komar and rimi guys
well, i admit that u've deserved it - wp, especially gunner! <3
but only if overdose practiced more.. (ofc u can come with only if cortana practiced more :P)
well we didn't practice delivery at all....
well we didnt practise bremen at all :))

EDiT: and we suck on goldrush
that's what i'm saying ;) and ovs didn't practice bremen at all :P
after 2 fake maps came a real decider, which in this case really showed who deserved it more.
Bremen is a fake map?haha. It's been in the competition for quite some time.
You have € 180 on hr Cor
You won € 216
sebi, the almighty come back for this OC!
adze, the humorous failed on goldrush !

EDiT: az a nem mindegy, reggel 6kor gép előtt ülsz
You call my positive stat fail when you had like 20/40 ? :D
13 évesen az álltalános iskolában csak befognám a kicsi szácskámát.
Én iskolába járok :/
"maybe I come back for this EC" :D
"Skill: med+/high"
Nembaj majdkinövöd.
hf @ oc
hehe nem általánosba járok, de szerintem igy is több ész szorult belém mint a te kis kobakodba

EDiT: és már lassan 15*
EDIT2: + én nem alpss szinten vagyok hogy jöttök és 17 évesen örültök a szátoknak hogy ventrin zenével spamoltok mindenkit :-]
ajaj :D akkor neked már lassan borotválkozni kéne :D
Legalább a kérdéseimre válaszolnál :(
A "mindenki"; az alatt az almigthy infet érted ugye? :D
De ha valami rosszat írtam volna neked akkor ne haragudj, hisz NC 8 közé jutó válogatottban voltál, kár h nem játszottál 1 pracc war-t sem :D
Meg hát most visszajöttél 2 hét után erre az EC-re
Majd akkor írj vissza ha személyi igazolványod is lesz :D
hf @ oc
megvan a személyi, írok :> a mindenki alatt pl infet vagy bármelyikünket értem , de még mindig nem adtál okot arra hogy miért zenélsz nekünk ventrin :) hát az állitásom igaz volt mert visszajöttem codból EC qualy-ra más kérdés hogy elvesztettük... látom nagyon rá vagy kattanva :D igazibol nagynak érzed magad mert jól játszasz ET-t és van aki 2 évvel fiatalabb és azt lehet fikázni pff

EDiT: kérlek ne válaszolj erre mert r*hadtul nem érdekel, és többet nem válaszolok csoki !
Ejha fiam, mik kinem derülnek; személyi és már elsős is vagy. Nektek kellett volna okot adni arra, hogy én zenéljek, de a logikádat most nem feszegetném. De ha már így írogatsz róla a válaszom: csak úgy.
NC-re nekem válaszolj légyszi :> Hogy ne húzd ezt el, így leírom a kérdést: Mit akartál ezzel a "taking random 14 years old players to th and reach the last 8" szöveggel ? :D
Ja és nem "játszasz" hanem "játszol".
gg wp AlL!!