8Bits/FiF*Green* vs Zero Empathy (9622 views)

be Jere
be Worm
be Ziffpants
nl Jo0f
nl vaNqu1sh
nl Ati_
nl leonneke
nl joop
nl spho
no Domi
nl hayA
Qualifier Match
21.09.08 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Gero (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 47729
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #37th Division ETTV2
By: T.Spark (ettvd)

de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 4
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #LoFT ETTV2
By: benJi (ettvd)
de #Outlaw.et ETTV #2
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 4
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)

gb #Anti-Gaming ETTV
By: derbinator (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
By: Bartichello (ettvd)

xx #mx.org ETTV-2
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 105


You have 50 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: 96

Gl 8bits.
gl leon, hayaa...
will be played sunday at 21.30 I guess

Line-up 8Bits FiF green = correct (only delete Barbon and Freedune)
gl fif
gl worm, ati_ !
gl domi :>
gl worm :>
gl joop
eu Zero Empathy

nl Ati_
nl joop
no Domi
nl spho
nl Leonneke
nl hayaa

gl hf
You have € 64 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 85.76

or not ;)

You have € 64 on dNan
Possible win: € 353.92
You have 400 on dNan
Possible win: 1872

eitje voor Joof
gl joop
gl Domi en hayaa
You have € 400 on dNan
Possible win: € 1664

easy making money here nowadays
You have € 5 on nl dNan Cancel bet
Possible win: € 20.8
gl leon
will be a very close match.
gl FiF ;)
hf FiF izi money
gl dNan, ! , bl domi kanker sukkel <3
gl domi en luister maar niet naar die allir hierboven :)
modus wont play?
ill bet on fif then
gl Domi :>
gogogogoogo groentjes! en kzal ook een beetje supporteren voor dummy, veel sterfplezier!
HF pwnerssss
gl hayaa, spho, dommy & wormi !

eventho i guess FiFg will win... since no chance for dnan without modus & isEN !
Now pls look @ the cc5 teams post and put us there ! alvo said, it was you who made the post !! damn you ;'c
gl hayaaaaaaa
gl dNan + worm, jere and jo0f
Good luck hayaa, joop, domi, at_ en spho. Good luck @ EC
gl ati_
You have € 500 on dNan
Possible win: € 2025
mortal gaming ftw
go jo0f! XD
You have € 128 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 163.84

gl dnan owners
gl domi
You have € 2698 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3372.5
gl 8b1ts.FiF.Green x)
gl dnan
dunno why the odds are in our favour :s

You have € 91 on nl dNan Cancel bet
Possible win: € 463.19
Because they have ziffken!!!!!!

en alst nie lukt , gwn e resetteke placeren he kameraad
np 4 hayaa =D
gl Domi & Worm
GL FiF !

@ dNan , where is iSenXL ?
nl Barbon replaces be ZIFFPANTS
gl domi :)
You have € 1192 on eu zeroE
Possible win: € 5697.76
gl 8bits ;]
You have € 250 on be 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 315
You have € 250 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
; D
4-0 zeroe
kanker leijk!
You have € 333 on eu zeroE
Possible win: € 1591.74
You have 400 on eu zeroE
You won 1912

OC prem winners
lol :o
goe bezig, da traint dan 24/24u en dan verliest da!! gl in OC :DD hoe tof was da om te spamme vroeger ;p nee swel jammer maja
ja peeken gulder zijt echt niks waard he..
lief blijven sjoeke<3
tegen zo een stukskes stront kunde toch ni lief ni meer zijn
ge moet da oppakken met een zakske, dan stikt da en is da warm aan u polle
dus conclusie: fif hoort thuis in nen beerput..
kiddy nub
ge weet maar al te goe dak toen dannek nog speelde dak beter was als u dus moogde dieje nub weglaten :))))
gevoel voor humor heb je wel
waar gaat de wereld naar toe :(
cansell bets domi was cheating for sure
can you give me your gbooky moniez?
i could if the bets were canselled
You have € 333 on eu zeroE
Possible win: € 1591.74
You have 400 on eu zeroE
You won 1912

zeroE... Freaking nice Teamwork :D wp
You have € 40 on eu zeroE
You won € 191.2
haha :D
go joof go!
que capullo eres xDDD
por warro x llamarme lagger xDDDDDDD
lol domi cheating o:
LoL got to be kidding me right?
: DDDD didn't even watch it :<
You have 400 on eu zeroE
You won 1912

danku domi
You have € 500 on zeroE
You won € 2390
ja dziekuje za ten mecz. dzieki ktoremu pierwsze miejsce w gbook :)
wtf lol
You have € 2698 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
2bad fif :(

hayaa @ 10k/map only ?
omfg,now i have no more money again..never bet again on fif second time i loose all my money =[
lol spätestens nach unserem match wüsstest das :DDD
schlaumeier...ueberweis mir gamestv kohle oder ich mache dich im sicced squa zu meinem persoenlichen lakai.xD

ja ich weiss aber dachte das packen die..alles fotzen ausser mutti^^
geen probleem voor mijn leerling <3 domi
You have € 2000 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
You have € 19 on eu zeroE
You won € 90.82