=118= vs Highbot (5723 views)

gb MerlinatoR
gb angel
gb dusty
gb sharky
gb crmbs
se askungen
nl SeN
at def
de humM3l
tr fireBall
de souX
de ver1tas
de gK
nl Arick
21.09.08 22:30 CEST
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: crmbs (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 12775
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Return To Castle Wolfenstein TV
gb barrysplanet.com :: WTV
By: crmbs (none)

Total Slots: 16
Viewer Peak: 40


2nd <3

izi HighBot
gl both
izi 118
should be easy for 118 :).

gl askungen and crumbs ;)
It's gonna be a great match tbh. I need to be avi tonight to see it !
80/20 odd's :-) 118 allway's playing and they are still motivated like hell + they got our wtv demos cmon guyz thats an easy bash this time gl everyone
been inactive for over a year. :O) played just as much as you! :P RtCW-Cup I since cpc2. ;)

but should be good, as we are all active within gaming, even if its not RtCW.
ye but we pracced et :-D since now and you having warmup.
gl both :D

hf to me :p
30 on HB...

sure. :P
hf both ;)
omg humm3l omg :DD
wtf with the WTV ?
Theres nothing wrong with the WTF server, its the cam man that keeps crashing.
final score 4-3 to =118= close games! :)
u suck crmbs
Enter the scores, I want to see my winnings !
Brilliant game.

0-1 Assault wp from 118 3 min's time , HB dont have warmup? :-D
1-1 Assault HiGHBOT start to get HOT.
1-2 village nice hold from 118
2-2 village brilliant rush in the last 3 min's from HB over the spawn and nice run by fireBall.
2-3 frostbite 118 strong def again. (fullhold)
3-3 frostbite highbot strong defence. (8:34)
3-4 FINAL round , HB can do it in 4 mins when they going directly but 118 secure it. 8 min's was set and 118 beaten that in 4.

Close game , and shit happen's that we have to play each other in 1/2 final of Winnerbracket , it deserve to be a final game.
there is loserbracket, you can still play em in the final, lb final would not be the final anyway
n1 zusammen gefast :D
Highbot ec team...
its rtcw... and 118 > highbot on rtcw.

But i doubt they would on ET :d
Well to the active time's we had allready some tight games vs them.

http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?lsid=274336 :-)
fireBall , souX , humM3L , freezer , inc , ver1tas , Creamy

We also beaten them sometimes , BFE Cup we almost beat everyone.

But what do you expect ver1tas/gK played the last times for 3 year's and i mean 118 won the cdc3 in rtcw they pracced alot and we played et. There is no doubt they invest more time so they deserve it more, but last night it was 50/50 and in the last round it they took it home.
I mean we stopped in End of 2005 , and 1-2 rtcw cup's means not we are back in the game. And if you follow the szene we playing et since 2005 end. 118 stopped 2007 after cdc3 , what means stopped they allways arrange these oldschool cup's because merlinator is a big fan of the game and the other too , and big thank's that they doing it. I miss the game at all!

But i hope juncie/crmbs spend us some beer's now on cc5 , and we can loughing alot again :-D
Learn esperanto and u will understand him
we have been inactive since around november 2006, we pracced for 2-3 weeks for CPC2, and did the same for CDC3 (which didnt happen) other than RtCW-Cup I (which you played in aswell!) I would say you are more practiced than us.. just due to you playing et and other games a lot. I remember playing you in ET and it was a close game there too.. but theres no doubt who the better team is in ET, like there was no doubt who was in RtCW.

Total Slots: 16
Viewer Peak: 40
