Titanz vs [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe (5779 views)

be sylvester
be breach
nl banaan
gr hellhammer
fi biitti
de felix
be bryan
gb hvk
gb noodle
gb mayni
gb owzo
gb nev
ee fredd
de crz
24.09.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Warleagues X
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: sylvester (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 16146
The bets have been cancelled.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


Forfeit win for Titanz, clearly the rules have somehow changed though the progress of this cup, admin system needs to be fixed within this "Beta" stage
not quite, its old EU account^^
nev = nevari im guessing? has his most recent ban expired yet?
Yes and yes
wasnt he banned more recently for cheating in cod though? or was that just the time that he pretended to be chilean or sumthin for xf nc
in warleagues you will be banned permanently once you are on pbbans.com
no bg Mirageous, you lose
I agree with you on that.
Confusing actions by WL.
GL Titanz ^___^
gl biitti
gl EU!
especially cRz <3
when you play :S
gl patjes!
biitti owns !
GL Biitti m8 !!!!!

Edit: Jamzor playing for EU???
gl EU
go go Titanz!
Gl Breach
hopelijk geeft hij me zo weer een bnc ;)
as ge nog wa meer zijn hol likt zal u da wel lukken he jong :DDDD
Gij zit op kot en moet zwijgen
gl felix.
This is the old Euclan? if so ,good luck ;p
yep, it is
I've kept it alive this time >;o
well then : izi for EU :P
omg, gl biitti : )
Kick some ass Felix cause you need to redeem yourself after your last match vs aClmx :|
New lineup by the way?
GL fredd
i put ALL my money on Titanz, so I will rape you hard.


and then if you lose, you will start crying saying they are cheating ?
*cough* nevari *cough*
k3rv3r0s is viewing the demos as we speak (2nd opinion). btw tell your buddy allir that he played better than gnajda on his demo (with autoswitch and all). and also btw: is there anyone in your clan who HASNT been on pbbans?
well his clan doesn't matter because he isn't in EU olol
just replying to azimiz cause he said that we whine if we lose (we lost in an official of freshcore cup vs them and we whined about allir), but if i just saw a demo of one member of his clan against us and he is blatantly cheating, and almost all of them have been on pbbans, i think our whine is more than justified.
rofl ur so full of shit, find a pbban or me azimiz or b1bu? dunno about terror or krato but yeh allir got banned for a public hack, and served his ban. so what, ur just fucking retarded, why dont you go whine about aclimax and ins? fucking loser gtfo
cause they didnt skill boost from normal team to we can almost beat TLR team
listen, we raped you on supply tbh as well. You set a time of what? 13+ mins? And that was mainly due to luck and well fairplay to you, none of us expected you to set a time, I mean we held you at the flag for a good 5+ mins from what I can remember, and we would of set a time of about 8mins ourselves, but you went for the good ol, 6man up crane defence and we were shit breaking it down. Skillboost? I wouldnt say there was one at all.
rofl you won supply by 10 seconds
read my comment? retard
exactly, and yet we still cheat. Ur a fucking joke.
dlin, but why aint you busting us then?
look man, i dont care if we lose or win, but i do care if someone of your team suddenly plays like he has wallhack and aimbot, so dont give me this flame. And Allir has a cheating history. Stop the flaming and start thinking.
im waiting for k3rv3r0s' response, since hes a skilled cheaterbuster, before i start posting it as a "bust" on crossfire
you and your team(well bitti, felix, and bannan dont seem to have a problem, strange) just cant accept that we beat you, it was a close game yeh, we just raped you on bremen attack, luck on our part and bad luck on yours mainly, but hey. you guys, mainly sylvester cant accept that. so you ask for our demos, and then threaten us to get us to give you a forfeit win. If you really thought he was cheating you would just bust him yeh? But no, you try to blackmail us into giving you a win you dont deserve.

Pretty big coincidence that the warleagues admin in your team manages to get his team a forfeit win in his own league, after trying to do it in the freshcore cup.

And if Allir, was really cheating i think he might of refused to give you his demos like i did (it was only bremen attack that i forgot to record) and I am aware hes cheated on public in the past and i dont really give a fuck.

oh and dont forget the ol' pbss case you had as well, claiming we all had black pbss but failing to mention that half your team had them as well, you included.

I think that deserves some fucking flame.
jesus you see things that arent there. Maybe tomorrow when your head clears a bit, rethink.
we holded at flag for 3-4 mins and crane for 4-5. Bremen was close too, we got the truck moving in the last 90 secs.
i dont care, we may have had luck etc as you say, if someone plays weird against me, i can tell, then i start asking demos.

just look at the demos...
if hes cheating, why arent you busting him?
ok ive watched the demos

i dont see anything weird about them at all .......
get over it we won you lost
brb gonna give you times at the demo where he is defenitely cheating
Wait, the guy that posted busts on crossfire and turned out to be busted himself? Ah ok then
Hey, could you find me a download link for the demo's he's supposedly watching. I like watching myself play, and if you say they're suspicious I must of been good! So yeah, link? xxx
nev hes talking about allirs demos :D
Now I'm dissapointed.... I like watching my own demo's especially if I play well! How's wow going, 70 yet? xo
wow ?

think you got the wrong AziMiZ
nawww thought you started playing :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< now i think about it i think it might of been acksaw :D
yea must be acksaw
wouldnt catch me paying for a game :D unless its footy manager
not you, allir :D

( Bitti forced me to write that )
gL sheepshagger
You have € 250 on eu Titanz Possible win: € 655
make me proud mates!
gl to all!
izi for eu

gl hellhammer + crz + bitii anyway
izy for eu but just 1 good luck for an eu member. that made it strange
Gl Biitti
gl EU
no 1 on the lineup from the oldschool :/
well but the manager and clanfounder is the same ...
You have € 47 on eu EU Cancel bet
Possible win: € 151.81
don't fail and need kirark!
gl hvk, fredd, crz
The game will not be played
reason? :<

You have 500 on EU
Possible win: 1305

i want izi money
sylvester the wl admin who tried to bribe us into giving titanz a forfeit win, has somehow managed to get his team a forfeit win? :D

<+wl|sylvester-on> i give you a choice, you forfeit the match and i wont turn in your mate(s) for cheating (i got evidence) or you claim win and can say bye bye to your cup
<+wl|sylvester-on> i give you a choice, you forfeit the match and i wont turn in your mate(s) for cheating (i got evidence) or you claim win and can say bye bye to your cup

this r not crossfire! cu @ opencup!
i want to see that evidence o:
so do we :)
I HOPE ITS KRATO! [they talked about hench right? :D]
yeh, buts its Allir, focking cheater!
whahahahah :DDD NOT POSSIBLE
:< cRz > titanz
wow that sux :/ really wanted to see EU in action
The war is arranged by felix and homer so why forfeit there is no reason for it they both agreed about the dates and the maps are preset.

So there will be a war.
No, there wont
the problem is that when we play and win we automatically got removed...
so it s pretty senseless for us

<+wl|sylvester-on> i give you a choice, you forfeit the match and i wont turn in your mate(s) for cheating (i got evidence) or you claim win and can say bye bye to your cup
don't understand the people who play with nevari, braindamaged or something?
i wonder what actually happened today:P
where are the old EU'ler like Homer priit and so on????
homer is the manager :|
he trained them
lol priit
yeah but they need an Asdurio Pf :p
Goo biitii ! Mr Sexmachine @ vent !
Score ?
You have € 328 on Titanz
Possible win: € 1308.72
Noshow from EU
Dont Fuck me up! :D
True Score? ^^
forfeit win for Titanz
just because your super warleagues admin impended us ...
not true :)
well it s true. we would play if he don't do it like this...
not true, if so show me some proofs? Im pretty sure he has nothing to do with this =)
wl announced before the start that players that once were busted wouldnt be allowed to play
its not my fault that wl is slow and just found out that at least 2 of your team were busted once

i know they would be allowed to play in cb but wl deals different with it
Actually I haven't said it was your shitty player/admin that made the rule. but here is what I was told, that left us with no choice but to withdraw from the cup.

Quote«14:49:14» {_wl|Viperius} If someone is located on pbbans.com, or any nC list, he is banned. As far as I know, we do not use clanbase's banlist

This rule ended up banning quite a few of our players, this is why I actually prefer CB
Tbh I wasnt even talking to you :P

de ultii Wednesday, 24th September 2008 23:19
just because your super warleagues admin impended us ...

de ultii Wednesday, 24th September 2008 23:26
well it s true. we would play if he don't do it like this...
why are you trying to give syl, who is a decent and honest person, the blame that warleagues wont let you play cause some of your teammates were on pbbans? Only because hes a warleagues admin?...
I know you weren't but, I'm pointing out I'm not blaming him, as for the others from EU, maybe they're brain dead
cancel the bets imo

who ever does it gets a big kiss right on the lips.. :$
Could you cancel the bets?
score ?