No Pressure vs RAW! (6997 views)

nl Leonekke
fi jauhis
no kris
be syL
dk vaflor
no zerom
nl abort
be edge
gb dictator
be kritos
be mAx
be viX
28.09.08 19:00 CEST
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: MerlinatoR (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 25374
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Return To Castle Wolfenstein TV
gb :: WTV
By: MerlinatoR (none)

Total Slots: 16
Viewer Peak: 50


lineups unknown at this time - these are a guess! maps are Beach/Village, OT MAP: Frostbite. to watch WTV please visit and check the "WTV Details!" section.

gl hf :)
gl fijauhis
Ankel \o/
gl abort diccie viX syL
hard choise
max vs syl
my bet on raw cause i earn more if i win
gros gl pour toi bemAx
GL abort, dictator, jauhis, kris!!!
gl all

all in raw btw :p
You have € 40 on eu RAW Cancel bet
Possible win: € 84
no be kritos, no win.

Faut Sylvain là :|

go edge :) et mAx ofc.
which patch i need to use to watch this war?

You will also need to dll wolftv, you can get all here:
thx. it will work i think
gl Ja! KrisseH Pelle vincent dic mAx papa & viX

gl jauhis
legendary war !
gl both
more oldsk00ls.
hf jauhis, abort, kris
dictator ofcoz :)
Arachon is probaly wanking while looking at these Line-Ups
pls give me a free download link of rtcw :)
gl abort & dic
omgawd kris!
nice lineup at nopressure ;o
only 50 slots? :|
kritos, edge, kris <3
gl edge kritos & max !
not enough slots :<
so score??
still playing?
raw won, since they play against =118= later on (see ettv match ;) )