OVERLOAd vs Designate (3125 views)

nl 7ele
nl DmasterX
nl Lukos
nl viper
nl WasteStuff
dk vimar
dk Katarn
pl aA
pl soee
pl suri0
pl Ojciec
pl Zielarz
pl Robertos
pl pawko
4v4 INF SW Group B Premier League
29.09.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 3907
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
gb OVERLOAd gaming
By: Orrie (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 40
Viewer Peak: 21


Gl 7ele
but DSN will take it!
DSN for sure :D
OverLoad foshoo! ...asd
easy for 7ele ofc!
designate > OVERLOAd
izi bash for pawko!
pl Robertos > eu OVERLOAd

easy bash for my big penis !
gl overload |0/

easy bash for my Stroggifier!
gl both ! make me some money ...
gL aA, 7ele :D
np 4 robertosik !
gl viper
hopelijk krijg je 4 man online :x
GL 7ele :D !
It is hard to predict who will win. OVERLOAd like a dark-horse =)
GL DmX and 7ele, could be fun to watch as there are some great inf skills on both sides
lol ovr with new lineup?!? rofl
i won't play anyway so BET ON OVR NOW!
OVERLOLL'D, dsn will rape
gl tele, dmasterx
robertos playing?
no I'm not
What You mean with "not"? :<
ask my teammates, not me!
They hate You? :(
but you love me, thats more important!!! <3
gl tele <3
Easy for Clint Eastwood.
Nice rape from dsn side @ Island, lol!
Imagine what would happened if i'd played!