Personality Team vs vodkateam (7138 views)

hr danL
hr drv4c
gb antalis
pl aDman
pl Lukey
pl wAldus
Match for 1st place on CB 3v3 Benelux ladder
05.10.08 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: sosn4 (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 16300
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #4
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 55


n1 match
gl vodka
gl vodka!
gl danL & drv4c ! :)))
Not 1 of them is from the Benelux, but okay.
i'm 1/128 dutch
Same bullshit as killerboy saying he got ties with England.
gl vodka
good luck both!:) ( winners gets Baczyna! )
lest, Lukey, sosna > adman, voiler, sosna
goldapowcy w niedziele wracaja do Bialego, wiec nie maja jak zagrac ;u
Japa szmato. Juz wrocilem i mi neta wlasnie podlaczyli. Tylko tydzien bez gry, to mi i sam warmup trwajacy 15 sek starczy, zeby cie pokonac :O! Beze mnie sie nie wygrywa.
co nie znaczy ze ci nie zajebie:DDDDDDDdd w srodku nastepnego tyga bede mial juz all co potrzeba tam ;]]]]]]
antalis is 99.9% not gonna play since he's gone to uni, don't know who's gonna be 3rd yet
you have problems with that fag antalis all the time ! kick him and take some 3rd Croatian :D
yeh, he seems to be cursed :o
Take a dutchie/belgium because its for benelux ladder xD

easy for vodka ! gl m8s !
gl i am
hf vodka :-)
i am vodka
gonna be interesting, gl voiler :>
gl I am
benelux ladder....
gL lukey, easy bash for vodka

ps: where is the orginial vodka LU? :(
me and lukey moved for studies and it will take like 5days more till we will have inet and pc's there;]]]] dont worry the normal lineup will be playing soon ;]]]]]
Still wishing me gl? A bit surprised I am, jedi.
why shouldn't i? :(
Not that you shouldn't, just that it surprised me after everything that has happened lately.
im just getting paranoid. thats all D:
But treating me this way when we talk isn't something I'd expect from you.
im sorry for that last thingy :( but just forgot to tell you what i thought of it.
I am Vodka XDDD gl!
gl lukey !
LEST! <3
i wont play this match ;[ i still dont have inet @ my new homie ;[[[[[[[[
Argh! :-) can't wait to see you
You have € 37 on I am
Possible win: € 217.19

make me proud danL & drvac !
izi for voiler
gl vodka :-)
gl geje !
a little lineup update:
pl lest
pl Lukey
pl wAldus
fortunetly im avi to play ;]]
I am has no change :/
izi for vodka
Lukey for sure gl vodka
Lukey Twoja Stara!
gl Lukeyyy !
im watching YA!111
no1 cares.
though you are already dead ;[[[[[[
gl vodka:)
powodzenia lukej
I am Vodka !
wAldus:na oficjalnym meczu na planszy Frostbite jesteśmy dotychczas nie pokonani, ale to chyba dlatego że to moja ulubiona mapa.

koniec tego dobrego :D
ale graja nieco innym skladem
4-0 personality
4-2 vodka, mark my words
4-2, told you

we're just a bunch of fucking idiots, that's why we lost
nope, you have luck that i didnt play, you wouldnt win frost than ;]]]]]
anyway gg, gl in further matches ;]
no, u fucking sucked, we couldve easily fullheld on sd if someone just did 2 things better
yes, because you're mystic's clone
or some are fucking whiners and kill the moral of the team as soon as we make 1 single mistake
We can say the same about frostbite. Letting Lest play, considering his i-net situation, was a really damn sick move, you know. But it was a nice game anyway, good luck with your next offi which you mentioned before.
like it's better for us, antalis at uni with crap internet and a completely new environment...excuses are for idiots, we didn't make an excuse, we stated a fact
Man, please. I moved to a new city a few days ago because of my university, too. The same goes for Lest since we come from one town and have been friends for quite a long time. I got the i-net back a few days ago and today was like my first game in a week. I'm in a completely new environment as well so it's not like your mate is the only one here, you know.
... english? that's what I fucking said, that excuses are for idiots and we could say the same about him and yet we didn't, I don't really understand what you're trying to say
well, then you are a idiot also. played 2 offi's against you, those 2 matches you were both making the excuse "you are unhitable" blabla
that wasn't an excuse, that was a fact, there's difference you know, see how we didn't whine about vodka being unhitable? guess why
The funny thing is, only you are saying we are "unhitable"
cos you were :/ I don't say it to a lot of people, we played 2 offis today against polish ppl and I didn't tell them they're unhitable cos they weren't

probability: 4.16%. thanks for caring.
expected, whining only as usual
well if you watched the game and if you had a brain you would notice that we didn't say anything ingame, i only said that we lost because we were idiots here on gtv and guess what? it is true! they weren't better

i hope you understand what i just said, could be too much text for you
We were better, actually.
no you weren't, they were better just unlucky
Ye, we were lucky like hell, especially on frostbite.
what whining? can you point me to it?