Kapoks vs 4Frags.Gaming (4647 views)

nl zenix_
be Bangor
gb pred4tor
pl Am1go
es MikLoN
es Shinoby
es CRaKeaN
es xAl3jandr0x
4v4 INF Premier League Group B
04.10.08 20:00 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 5109
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)
nl Multiplay.co.uk ::KAPOKS-BATTLEGROUND
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 96
Viewer Peak: 24


Easy for kipster.
Im not playing, besides I suck @ 4on4!
kapoks gonna loOse.
yeah u must know all about loosing : |

still lag > skills

4fags will win
we are going to get raped for sure
ye but at least it will be fun :p
gl kapoks :)
go go kapoks :), you will win
easy for zenix and am1go
gl zenix
easy 4 the unhits!
laggers allways win.
they are even worse than polish... waht? what did i say? ohnoes, im polish!
gl 4frags ;)
easy for kapoks
gl kapoks ...
gl kapoks <3
gl kapoks!
A ver que haceis perras, no me arruineis. gl
gl hf ;)
I think that 4frags will win ;o
nice game close!
oh lag won... my worst match ever -_- i will just play better next match!
Buena compis! no pensé que os harían un mapa, venga a seguir trabajando y nos vemos en Playoffs si tenemos suerte ambos!!!

Compis good! I did not think that you would a map, come to work and we feel if we are lucky both Playoffs!
Lag won dice... xD en fin, q gente, siempre que ganamos los equipos españoles, o es de chorra, o es por el lag o nos llaman trameadores o chetos... que gente, ya que no saben ganar que aprendan a perder
izzi was your cat walking on your kb?
He can only speak spanish i think. Look his comments. Fail.
its spanish fucking nerd
looks like jibberish to me -_-
bullfighting sucks btw

Lag won said ... xD in order, q people, as long as we win the Spanish teams, or is, jet lag or by us or call trameadores or brackets ... that people who do not know how to win and learn how to lose
I think you should open your mother's room door and see what is she doing with your father's friend. It would be funnier than reading your fucking retarded translations. Get the fuck out.
You also fail like the real Shevchenko
More speak than nerderland xD
Hi, sorry by my english but I'm SICK of reading all this shit...

We were eager to play with kapoks, but we all finished really disgusted. We all get kicked five minutes before starting the match.
It was really so necessary having 1 or 2 friend/admins spectating...? Second spectator told he was there to make a...... What report??? -_- I'm bored of ADMINS´s irrevocables decisions... It's other life out there, admins =]

iZZi only said: always when a spanish team win, then people say it's because of lagging or cheating... Epic Fail.
I think we have been better even with three times their ping. That server was really disgusting, so please stop whining and at least have the dignity of knowing how to lose.

Am1go, Google traductor sucks hard. Are you trying to tell us next time we will be able to play against a real Heroe with skilled team tactics¿? Not if you still playing too much with rocket launcher :P Boom!!!
I'm sorry I spent a fricking hour writing up exactly what went down that match, even detailing your play (which was wonderful, except for the lacerator at the mining laser and the supply crate selfkill xD). And guess what? There's not a word about lagskill in it, only about good aim and tactics. Because I'm a CB ref, I'm not an official CB spokesman, hence that report needs to be approved by either Mixo or Vitez, who are afk currently. If you'd have never played in Clanbase before, I'd have understood this response, but you have, and you've agreed to all the rules CB has set out, which includes this specifically.

The kick I don't agree with, and I've said it to Kapoks. You could've left us a complaint about it, but to my knowledge, you haven't done jack shit, except for writing this comment - while your clanmates were in the warchan with Kapoks, a cup supervisor and a referee. Same about the server: When asked wether the server was good, all I heard was 'well we don't have one'. A more neutral server could've easily been arranged, but you _never asked_. It's easy to think you're being mistreated, when you don't do a thing about it. Clanbase play is not about sitting back until gametime, but about active involvement. If that's too hard to grasp, well, gee, what can I do.
asking 1000 times to leave the server because you where done with testing but you didnt do it ( it was 15mins before match time btw ) And kicking ppl from server is allowed if the match didnt start yet. I asked you friendly. amigo asked you friendly, pred4tor asked you friendly. If you cant speak english go to school and learn it.
And No Vitez and Verticae are not Friends from kapoks. We dont have any relation with Vitez or Verticae, only thing what we somtimes do is play [1stcav] and explanation when they also play.
About server try buying a own server that is not in spain. And next time move to a land with proper connection. Your connection is the one that is disgusting and failing. So is your english.

About match, it was good match and thats all that counts. Area22 was a thriller game, Island was a clean attack from us. Sewer we didnt prepare and you could see that.
No hard feelings just learn english and the rules and dont talk crap against Admins and Referees that make this game good. Without them there wouldnt be any cups. Respect them.

Also this is an English site so if ppl dont speak english here the comments can be removed or the people can get warned or even kicked/bannend.
And for everything else i agree with Verticae
zenix, wether his English his poor or not, he does have the decency to try and make himself understandable, something I'd applaud from anyone.
Ye thats good. But atleast its annoying for us too see alot Spanish comments from Spanish people when there is an European clan playing Spanish clan. I dont see all players that support us talking in there own language.
"Am1go, Google traductor sucks hard. Are you trying to tell us next time we will be able to play against a real Heroe with skilled team tactics¿? Not if you still playing too much with rocket launcher :P Boom!!!"

miklon i think i love you :D
At least i won cash :X
Verticae I'm sorry you were involved in that conflict, but when warmup I was calling LaViTz to play that match, because xAl3j4ndr0x is noob in promod (anyway he did what he could). Then I couldn´t realize about that conversation, but anyway we don´t know people who could let us a neutral server and I have never done that (because we got server a few days ago) :P

zenix: "And next time move to a land with proper connection." ->> Are you fucking nuts? :O We love spain a lot, ping doesn´t matter compared to this beautiful country. His awesome weather invite us left home, you couldn´t say that. Your country only have ONE thing we like, legalized marihuana, and isn´t so important :D

Now like you zenit, always making excuses: I was fucking stoned when you get fraged all time, I couldn´t test your eating bullets server & we played with an unactive player & a new member. We had never said that until now because... who cares? :P

Next time come us asking for more favours... :(

You know against who you played
ye one dutchie and one stoned belgium guy =P
You know White Widow? Yes thats a Marihuana brand.
Drugs dont make you play any worse tbh. I play the best with some Tramadol + Temazepam. Yes thats a heavy painkiller and a sleeping pill.

We also have the best internet in the world after Japan and Sweden So has our server thats hosted near AMS-IX in Amsterdam. So our server is not disgusting. I agree spain is a nice country. But its so stupid that such a country has such bad connections to other places in Europe.
We didnt make any excuses its a fact, just look how many 4on4 offis we played before. Yes 3, we where only prepared on those maps. Still that doesnt change we lost, i am not saying if we would have practiced sewer we would have won. Thats something i dont know and you dont know either. But i only care about the game itself. And i did enjoy it. Like i said before. Its just annoying that a team that played opencup alot more than us before, doesn know the rules. And doesnt know the Admins. And next time if you dont agree on something talk about in cb war channel thats where its made for. Talking bad about us after match doesnt has any use. I dont have any hard feelings against you guys. It just felt it was like your first offical on clanbase the way you guys acted. We are known for being a friendly and nice clan. We never make problems, but if clans just ignore us ingame and dont respond on any comments. Only Crakean was responding, and he said server is fine good ping for me. And also its normal you guys have 100ping, maybe not in spain. But atleast i never see crakean below 90 ping on propub and the same with x4l. So your pings where fine.

Also there is a reply button on this site.
haha nice to read this. I know reply button, but do u think I'm gona reply all I have written one by one? ...
I play lot of worse with Jack Herer, but I didn´t smoke purposely, just I didn´t remember we played in that moment :/
I know you have one of best world connections, but it doesn´t change anything. ISPs gave us the quality they want, so they scam definitely.
We didn´t have too much to discuss because we didn´t have another server, we only wanted one thing and it was testing your rotten server (with your holy NL connections).
I feel my ignorance on some concrete rules (we're not veteran in ClanBase), but I have never bothered to read them all. I play just for fun, because atm we don´t have a competitive comunity...
Guys, guys, all that was needed to be said has been said a long while back. Let's not kill a dying community any further, shall we?