re-play vs S. N. Battalion (9178 views)

no Eirik
be Lazio
ee hell
fi toNi
gb w3st
gb Griim
gb Meez
gb rahul
nl perfo
nl Viax
fi Rk
de Sight
Group A
31.10.08 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 16110
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
gb #Anti-Gaming ETTV
By: derbinator (ettvd)
xx ETTV-2
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gL niggaz
gl danny and rahul
hahahahahahha tiNi :D
only know 2 players from snb oO

gl re-play
:D nonames.
rahul is hentai and the others are known enough:D
Match date is changed to sunday 20.00 cet

fi toNi
@ re-play zZz
typo? :O Fixed tho..
ye I know that's typo, needed correction tho :))
yp match gonna be played sunday 20.00
Go tiNi, we love you!
gl perfo:!
easy bash for re-paly
eazbash riplei.
gl pervo
W3st / Grim will own them!

Come on W3st, my British friend... own them!

I love you man.

Perfo, go to hell.

Defenition of the word "Perfo" = Cheater who uses his brothers as a excuses for his cheats and still not banned from Crossfire for 1 year for it.

Thanks dictonary.
Yes mister "I'm-busted-10-times".
definition of the word "sweex" = a loser which still can't speak proper english :D
ye right, is the one saying with a 10 year ban?
Dont be angry just because the brother thing didnt work for you :D
Sweex = wannabe bustmonster who actually knows a shit about it
fu, no one else can call perfo a cheater except for me!
who is rahul btw?
gL C.C.!!!
gl toNi
gl meez
You have € 149 on eu re-play Cancel bet
Possible win: € 426.14
cmon make me rich .P
You have € 35 on eu re-play
Possible win: € 96.6

Come on Eirik make me rich xD
izi bash 4 SNB!
gl perfo...or perfo's brother!
GL&HF both GO Re-Play
You have € 23 on eu re-play Cancel bet
Possible win: € 117.53

GL re-play ToNi <3
GL hell
gl west
gl SNB! np 4 Rk
gl re-play please rape Super Nigger Faggots
You have € 5 on eu re-play Cancel bet
Possible win: € 23.75

toNi don't let me down!
Like always I have to steal your car Griim :XD
gl Rk, hell & jasper <3
Apparently match is postponed? :x
Go Go Hell!!!!:)
go griim
GL re-play

GL hell
izi 4 replay
Good luck replay =]
Sight is a direct descendant of God
God is a direct descendant of Sight*
haha, sorry my mistake !
pefro will win, replay are bucnh of noobs
SNB have ____Reikkeri____ and the very best jokes of the universe so they will be win :D!
replay ftw
SNB will win (:
good luck w3st :o)
gl hentai, griim, w3st
easy 4 perfo
np for eirik pallo xd
gl replay and sight
gL Griim
gl griim and all
I alliogn myself with SNB. Good luck niggers.
waitin for yoshiki to reply
snb will win EC nP for perfo
gl sight perfo :)
gl Eirik : )
gl eirik + perfo :D
gl replay
Lazioooooooo :]]
2 easy for snb... <3
Gl Eiriki : -)
close one
go griim
gl snb

gl dave
gl re-play!!
all my money on re-play
The match moved to next Sunday afaik.
gl re-play
GL Rk =)
Eirik > Meez
Lazio < rahul
hell <-> perfo
toNi > Viax
w3st < Rk
Griim > Sight
SNB will win EC. :)
gl both teams
gooo Eirik<3
GRIIM ! NO ! YES ?! Maybe...
omg ur bakc! sry for kicking you that one time :D
THAT WAS YOU ? Ok I need to tell my gf i don't hate her anymore...

I dont know. can you repeat the question?
BOUH ! NO ? NO !
Bouh > Yosktikiki
Unexpected. Everything's related to sex with you... GO ANAL ! Oh wait no, you can't.
Depends on how deep is your ass!
Are you talking to your monkey ? Cause I thought you could have sex only with monkeys. I heard it from esox. I'm sorry for you, really. :(
no nonix no win:(
gl grim

your biggest fanboi
You have € 55 on eu re-play Cancel bet
Possible win: € 171.05

gl toNi, Lazio, Grim
gl w3st <3 my money on u !
gl re-play !
Match most probably gonna be moved.
You have € 80 on eu re-play Cancel bet
Possible win: € 324

plz lazio and all ... move yours asses
wildcarded, date TBA
Laziooooooooooooooooooooooooo :]
fortunately you people that bet on re-play actually have a chance of winning something now due to wildcard

gbooky lotto
i see what you did there