The Last Resort vs Cortana (13630 views)

be dAv1d
be mAus
de butchji
es Winghaven
fi Matias
nl Lightning
lv Clown
hr komar
hr gmx
hr calisto
ch GuNnEr
it mama
fr fra
Group C
12.10.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 82379
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 423


gl dAv1d & TLR
Izibash Cortana!!!!!!

mAus / Winghaven / dAv1d @ familly problems so they will be depresive when they play.

All money @ Cortana!

You will earn a lot of money!

Thanks for reading, cortana you will lose in less then 4 min.
de buthchji. typo :|

gl both teams
go cortana, i bet on u :D
You have 82 on TLR
Possible win: 82.82

You have 5 € on Cortana
Possible win: 500 €

Easy money :DDD
oh my :D
hf mAus&Winghaven
Gl fra & mama :D
You have € 5 on Cor
Possible win: € 102.6
wud be funny if cortana wins XD
gl CRO wolfers :D cro power ofc.. ;)
crotards <33
Go fra ! =D
will butchji play?.

@duke_ ... ich komm nacher IRC :D
gL fra
You have € 2 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 49.78

You have € 20 on Cor
Possible win: € 858.4
everybody now place bets on Cor:D lol
Nice team cortana & GL fra mais cette fois c'est mort xD
need duKe_
gl TLR
TLR vs Cortana?
rofl Cortana = certain loose
cortana - TLR 4:2 imo butchji overrated dAv1D the same winghaven (who?) pls
"butchji overrated" :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i always lol when i see this
2:4 imo
hf tlr
Serrano,i think u now to much about ET.
winghaven(who?) SPAMMER who who
lolilol fra
According to cb, date of the match is changed to 12 Oct 21:00.
You have € 1470 on TLR
Possible win: € 1690.5

hf all.......lightning = rifle god
gl frafra
Gl fra.
go cortana :D
nPs maus
Winghaven ftw
mama will epicly fail today
He won't because it will be played on sunday.
TLR=dream team but cro power hahahahahahah
mAus ftw i love you
gl cortana + hf
np 4 fra
cortana ftw
gl cortana
You have € 25 on Cor
Possible win: € 1215.75

GL Cortana!
You have € 5 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 237

I gonna bet TLR :) TLR > Cor ! imo
You have € 40 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1852.8 lol izi money
You have € 352 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 12950.08

gogo Cortana :DDD
You have € 5 on Cor
Possible win: € 219.05 x)
gl fra & Gunner
You have € 165 on Cor
Possible win: € 5738.7
It's Sunday...
It's Sunday...
gl both
It's Sunday...
gl daveke :)
gl GuNnEr
gonna get raped 8D
First time I've seen an experimental matchrating of 10 for a long time. How the hell is that thing calculated anyway? (I think only admins can see it)

EDIT: And as soon as I post it drops to 7, which is more usual.
What are you talking about? :)
In the admin version of these match pages on gamestv there's a line that says Experimental Matchrating: ##

I think it was an attempt to use the popularity of matches to generate the old-style bolded featured matches on the site automatically. I guess it's also used for the What's Hot thing in the top right too. It's almost always between 3 and 7, although quite a few of the smallest games today are down at 2.
go machine mAus, hard to believe that you are a human :d
go machine Clown, hard to believe that you are a human :p
gl butchji! and mAus and Winghahahaven!
You have € 13 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 300.56 np XD i guess i lose all but nvm :D:D gl cortana
tlr 4 sur
the guy in the striped vest behind mAus is me xD
gl cortana
Wing cargate a los de tu equipo con el panzer y nos repartimos las ganancias :XDDDDDDDDDDD
Juris will take it
gl cortana, most underrated team on EC! Remember they won FG
or FG most overrated?
or you overrated?
I'm not a clan tho. :/
if you expect 1man army comments now i can be the first!
or you overrated?
or just a very new team?
Got 150 on cor, go son!
hF fra- ;)
GL fra
GL Matias =)
gl wing
gl TLR

hf mAus :)
is it true butchji replaced maus?
TLR <3
gonna start or just...?
adacore its because people want 2 watch cortana not trl ;) haha
nice game!
WP TLR.. You did great!
Qu'est ce qu'il se passe? (wh poussé à fond chez mAus ce soir)
wp tlr...but cortana also will pass group so it will be rematch i think. ;)
i hope matias was enjoying delivery :D
You have € 10 on gb TLR
You won € 10.5

lollerskates :D
I think Clown was the main reason TLR won at Delivery.
lol fra
You have € 52 on TLR
You won € 54.6