8Bits/FiF*Yellow* vs Kruger.et (5194 views)

be iMmi
be wOeTrE
be Alvo
nl foxy
nl KoRaL
nl Boire
ee couchor
fi Kaide
gb williams
nl bizzy
jp Aquila
jp juiF
2nd league

Match for current 1st place in group F
12.10.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: iMmi (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4948
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de arni.name ettv 1
By: essAh (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


ill do it later immi, no need that you do it ;)
my first time I add ETTV thank you very much I succeeded!
gg fif
:) gl all, love the map choice!
gl willie and whole kruger , ezi bash for you
Go Will!!
izibash will!
fan club ! :P
William onemanarmy & co. :DD
ehz bhesh

gl kruger couchor,williams jake and kaide <3
gl will o:
gl kruger =)
gl will & co izi
gl iMmi
why I have heard that Williams=Hunta
1 is german, the other is english
:O no im not hunta lol im from england lol and a fwe years old

give me W give me I give me L give me L give me I give me A gvie me M give me S go Go WILLIAMS
gogogo TEKN0 <3 gl kruger
GL iMmi

en de andere belgen natuurlijk ook!
gl juif aka rostro aka tboy aka arrow
Kruger needs BLOBO !
blobo Suspended from playing until 26-12-2008 12:00:00

He is banned because of some Moviemaker program was on hes ETmain folder... or something like that =D
nobody cared, but killerboy wanted to ban him immediately ...
Se meni failaamaa sen movien kanssa ja pb banni sen maaliskuussa, sattumoisin killerboy huomas sen vast kaks viikkoo sitte ja banni alko siitä -.-
gL kruger jakey ;)
Cheaters vs my foXyb0t, gl Fuxy
<3 thnx... my b0t pwns tha haxorzzz
Gl bizzy and foxy! <3
go go go go foxy it's ya bday
not yet but thnx anyway <3
Kruger will loose cos of Williams multi teamkills :<
wiliams needs to play this! :D
FILLE !!! :D

gl jongens
gl all, will be nice game :)
gl kruger
You have € 15 on be 8B|FiFy Cancel bet
Possible win: € 45.45

Pls win 8B|FiFy :>
immmi als je dit verliest ben je nog lower dan mn rechter schoenzool. -.-
bij welke pro clan speel jij dan? :p
minus ¬¬
voorlaatste in je groep 3rde league? :p straffe kost! gl nog
tekno cybergames lamer ;)
gl Alvo & phille !
FOXY FOXY FOXY FOXY FOXY FOXY (maar dan supporterend uitgeroepen met cheerleaders bij)
gl owner !
laaal gl
goodluck FIFOWNURS!
izi for FIF
izi bash voor mij é
izi bash voor phille é
speel niet man ben tv schuw :s
GL Kaide :D
gl enzuUuUU
Kaide pwn all,gl m8 <3

score ?
why does w!liams play in there? he isnt better than low+ ...

btw thanks for money
You have € 15 on be 8B|FiFy
You won € 25.95 :>
yo man ya clan in bottem league and you lost 18 times to my last clan so shhh lol noob
Rly!? i cant fucking remember!
You noob fat retarded.... We only played 3 times and we lost 1 and won 2!
he indeed always had very low dmg but I think he still does a good job for team afaik!

fixing cp / mines etc etc somethimes you need some guys who go 100% for objective
4-0 fif nice server :DDDDD
np at all!!! :D
gayfaggot is cheating

You have € 16 on 8B|FiFy
Possible win: € 27.68
hip hip hoera yellow!
nice game lads! reli reli shit server though, soz i had amzing ping :O lol
the lagg became massive when we had to defend on frostbite and everythime on our fullspawn :p so you were still on advance! but it was pretty close on supply gg! :D
Yeah i know like on attack i hurd the sound go to start game but then, screen would freeze for 15 seconds or more lol
Thanks immi, although essaris hes from a low+ clan in the lowest league and doesnt play anything higher hes reli skill full.... I dont normal shoot under a 40 acc so im not that bad of a shot just reli had when ya internet had it and got a 280 ping when ya from uk :( lol goood game 8bits win ya next time ;)

btw ess shut up when you have no input in a scrim and i will always have more ppl liking me that you lol a game is a game dont take things so serious and base ya whole life around it lol
Williams, your old team was low skilled so i dont know why the hell u think your skills upgraded suddenly to med skill.
Only your team is good, not u.
essari your shooting doesnt have to be high to player in a higher team its how you think about a game and the imput that your bringing in. And we wasnt low we never played under med before and was 40 places above you in cb unbeaten lol. Stop arguing like a girl, look at your own clan and consentrate on winning matches coz all i seen on ettv is you getting beat.
did you guys folded now? I saw kaide searching new team..
yea lol 40 places above us, u guys played only 1 or 2 game and we played like 16 lol, so u cant compare us. Thats true we lost last 3 ETTV games but i we also win 3 games on it, played totally 6 games.
Yeah i left et came back. Yeah kaide is, errrh but we got few players lined up that wanted to join. :)