excel vs 8Bits/FiF*Green* (5129 views)

ca anim
us bliss
us Axcess
us vader
jp Kirark
us liver
us wiz
us Smurftang
be Jere
be sil
be worm
nl ins
nl vanquish
nl joof
I've made an updated sw_goldrush_te so there are no conflicts between the 2 diff versions & ETTV servers don't crash. Essentially all it is is the newest version that NA uses with the name changed.

Download SW Goldrush TE-2 here
19.10.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Evil Territory League NA
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: benJi (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2

Total Pot: € 7694
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
us ETL Radio
By: mistaken
Listen to mistaken
Language: English

Total Slots: 32
Listener Peak: 16

Enemy Territory TV
de OldMans - ETTV 8
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)

jp #Fragpoint TV 3
By: kmkr (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 59


Add an ETTV please, should be interesting.
GL FiF =)
add ettv, will be an awesome game.
8bits will still demolish them, they are pretty much the most active team on ETTV and have for example beaten re-play Devilry recently. If only this was the old excel playing!
You're going to lose some money, anim doesn't lose.
You have € 12 on us >>
You won € 44.04
Then stop talking bullshit.

You have € 50 on us >>
You won € 183.5
American teams with decent players are pretty much unreliable, you can't go wrong with pessimism, plus when people believe excel will lose I get more $$$$. Axcess bliss vader kirark ouch anim is a completely different story from bliss anim kirark liver smurf wiz.
so true: never bet against anim; never EVER bet against anim + bliss; if you are willing to bet against anim + bliss + vader + axcess then u shud go drown urself ^^
cyu after the match 8D
I was right, wasn't I.
Glad I was wrong, too bad I missed it.

Edit: Actually, just watched it, you demolished them plus they're retards, wp. Still you had a better lineup than above.
gogo Kirark :)
GL excel

What are the changes in grush 2 ?
can't download fail :XXXXD omg 200kb ?wtf
if excel got their shit together this might be a 4-2
be Worm will be replaced by nl hayaa
thx =D dejere =)))) :*
izi for excell gl anim, bliss, wiz & shane <3
depends on pings?
GL vanquish <3
shoutcast <3
More whine please FiF, fuckin idiots. Especially that siL, please get Freedune back to replace him !!
You give euros a bad name...

anim fuckin beast <3
Euros + high ping + map loss = dangerous blend :p
gl smurftang,anim, bliss
30 mins fullhold?
Asked for anim rape and he delivered:

Matt would've done better though <3
omg Bliss owning with +10k dmg!
look @ bliss damage :DDDDD
Stop sucking anims dick so much :P He's a cool dishwashing-American-wannabe guy though!! :Æ
<3 you too
oasis must be fun :>
thats first round scr second round anim went 15k or so not sure
woot rapage
how many multikills did anim get
so what now?
hahahah :DD
Well played in the end.
With a server like that it wasn't that bad indeed.
Don't whine about the server. 150 ping is really playable.
especially when you play oasis and the opposite team is playing with a ping average of 70/80

wnr trouwt gij en anim?
I played Oasis vs Americans, came out as mapwinner.
Ik wil gewoon zeggen dat die 150 ping er al bij al niet zo heel veel aan doet.
Well most of the time its NA players playing against euros on euro servers so don't bitch just because u had to play NA players on a NA server for once
wp , euro server would have been other way around.
gl vs mamut
NA server would be the other way around
rofl FiF@ whine
omg rofl, after oasis ANIM=99kills,15 000dmg given

all excel team after oasis 70 000dmg given! funny :D
Omg :P
Was first now 4th :P
-700 damn u FIF!! :P
You have € 500 on us >>
You won € 1835 :D thx replay or demo??
Thanks for taking care of this benJi, had to work today :\
lol, hahaha
damn missed it.

Nice job excel ;)