Explanation eSports vs Kapoks (3326 views)

gb System
gb Vexx
gb Jeebs
be Thomas
nl zenix
be bangor
gb pred4tor
pl amigo
26.10.08 20:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Generaladmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 3445
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)
nl Explanation eSports - Match Server
By: Seanza (none)

Total Slots: 40
Viewer Peak: 31


GL guys!
glhf :D
gl kapoks!

Am1go and zenix <3
Seanza mr. general admin -> i have capital letter at the begining, Am1go, also -> Bangor
fix it plz
thx rofl ;d i see you need ego boost
gl hf
gl Am1go
You have € 20 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 356.4

pl Am1go, make me rich!
get 'um boyz!
You have € 1 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 7.42

pl Am1go, make me rich!

ummm what? oh! ye right :p
definate win for team explanation, go go go. =)
go go Kapoks! <3 zenix! :D :P Am1go jazda z nimi!
easy bash for my penis... xD
Am1go Twoj ojciec czuwa !
it wasnt ezbash4 #e

4-0 kapoks.
gg Kapoks.
you kapoks cost me ˆ 299, but f*cking wp :)
tum tum tum!
You have € 5 on Kapoks
You won € 42.85

fuck yeah
You have € 1 on eu Kapoks
You won € 8.57

wow i made me rich
For some reason my interest in this game isnt like it used to be 2 weeks ago
uhh i knew it!
You have € 50 on Kapoks
You won € 428.5

You have € 30 on eu Kapoks
You won € 257.1
Well what can I say? We lost a game we were expecting to win. Kapoks played better as a team than we did. So the win was fully deserved. Congrats to all who won their money :)

And sorry to those who lost (including myself). And please no whines at me.
>< ... i am shutting up : D
rofl -_- nice job on the yellow card sean-a-paul

did u guys really play with an eazybash-tag : D?
i hope not , cause that would have been PAINFULL !!! ><

k, so is it his fault you guys got a yellow card?
no :-) just typical, that he could have adressed this on mirc, it would've been sorted in 5 seconds..
he chooses to run to a ref :P
which is only funny to me -_-
Cattle, the cause of the yellow card HAPPENED on IRC. Get facts right please.
ye i had you on blacklist so when i noticed that then i removed you from my blacklist and you could connect but no, you wanted to cry like a little baby
Yeah, too bad for you I guess.
you can say to me what you want, i dont really care anymore, everything that you ever said/wrote was shit so i dont expect a change from you. btw i dont know if playing without tag is permitted.
Without tag? We played with tag. And aslong as players on APL, then np.
Thx, seanza. We enjoyed the match and vexx,jeebs,thomas and system where nice guys.

quote seanza:
''I suppose some people do anything to get an advantage on their stronger opponent.''

Yes, we saw. And trying to humilate us with the ezbash tag, too bad you didnt play. Than it would have been ezbash.
You said to us something with us not being sportive? And you where really sportive right? We saw the proof tonight, everyone in #e and kapoks was sportive during match. But playing with ezbash tag is really unsportive =) Big mouth, big ego. But in the end you dont play because everyone knows you are the lowbie in your team.

And yellow card makes us laugh even more. Show's only more how frustrated you are.
zenix, we've been playing with ezbash tag for 3 or 4 days before we played you. Ask bailOut, we had it on when scrimming them 2 nights before the e vs. kapoks match. Tag had nothing to do with match against Kapoks. So again, facts right.
scrim and official makes difference?
That wasn't my point. My point was we didn't wear it especially for you. You're not that special boys.
ye nobody is as special as you
it isnt sportive it doesnt matter for me if you used it like 1000x times before its just not sportive and nice against opponents and thats a fact.
It just doesnt show any respect to opponents. We could have played with #anti-seanza tag also for a few days and use in our official against you.
But we are not like that, we respect our opponents if they respect us.

You can do as you wish. Wouldn't have bothered me.
until we'd have to catch you telling the supervisors : P ?

hihihi this is teh best website ever -_-


QW is teh lol
Well obviously the problem on IRC was enough to get a yellow card for amigo. Otherwise cup sup wouldn't have given it. I just told what happened, he took the action, not me.
rofl i removed you from blacklist like 2 mins after ban
Yeah, too bad for you I guess.
when i'll be back at home then i will see in my logs rofl
won 25 on kapoks! First bet ever too!
You have € 500 on eu e`
You lost
omg kurwa ! chuje !
nie wierzyles we mnie ojcze :C?
kapoks <3
just as unexpected!
We played shit. :<

And no suprise... e-drama :(
It gives people something to read when @ work, including me. No sad face for e-drama, it's fun!
Thanks, Kapoks!