vs Kapoks (4351 views)

si 2nice2kill
si jakazc
dk huggo
dk sondac
ee reload
be bjorn
pl Am1go
be Bangor
nl cattledecapitat
cz Orrie
gb pred4tor
nl zenix
27.10.08 21:00 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: darkman (Requestee)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 24941
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de war server
By: darkman (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 56
Viewer Peak: 34


izi bash!
can someone allready fill in teh score plz

mamut 2 - 4 kapoks
x 3 (5 min late)
x4 (11 min late)
wow this is more funny than 4chan!
lets get to right side of the screen and see what happens :o
..... .... \o/
You have € 1 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 100
eazy e-money
best betting odds evar
more right side of screen
but dont make your
sentences too long!
you need to reply to last rofl. learn internetz!
oooooo o0 i see
i am gonna be soo fkn rich tonight
doesnt work am1go
ye fail form me ;<
no senji for mamut ?
You have € 46 on Kapoks
Possible win: € 4600
kapoks will take fail it!
etqw alive
You have € 50 on Kapoks
Possible win: € 5000 wooho
izi for mamut :)
You have € 5 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 452.55
nice :D
No bjorn?! :(
Well then I just need to spec Huggo.. :D
You have € 20 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 969.8

GO !
GL Orrie :)
No Bjorn, no Senji :)

open your eyes, oh, i forgot you cant read
I've been talking to Darkman, so shut up.
hi am1go <3 <3 : D we are sandwiching sean-a-paul : D
And I'm loving it :D

Now you're sandwiched by my fat ass x2 :)
ohnoes n1
o shit now were tower-bridging am1go :X

he's like 16, thats illegal in a lot off countries (well not poland ><)
16 and a HALF actually.
lets ask him :

m1goooooooeh? are you legal yet? :o **WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE**
actually i'll get 17 on wednesday but in pl you need to be 18 :)
mamut will win
But we are looking forward to the match, because we never played you guys in 6on6.
You have € 10 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 557.5

go my lovely guys go!
You have 5 on Kapoks
Possible win: 275.5

all my moneys!!!! gogogogogogo Kapoks!!!
gl Kapoks
I only wish kapoks could move away from the base.

Oh wait, it's Huggo.

They WON'T! :/

EDIT: Anyway GL Am1go
we got out of our base !!! |0/ iron maiden ftw!
gl both
If the pigs from #e can get a map aginst mamuts first team, shouldnt be so hard for kapoks then?
If everyone took what people say to/about them so seriously the world would be a sad place.
**HUGZ** @ kippie

i did your rockets :D i loved it ><
server down????
gg was a good game, close on refinery. wp.
GGs, i appologize for disconnects, but belive me i was trying to find a workaround during whole afternoon :(
ggs, so close on refinery! a22 was good too from both sides. and thanks for playing serious :) gratz
You have € 50 on eu Kapoks
You lost You have € 50 on eu Kapoks
You lost
Wp Kapoks

Refinery was impressive.

ye a shame that map doesnt get played much =P
Its so much fun ^^
ty :-)
was fun :]