Deathless vs 8Bits/FiF*Yellow* (4862 views)

es m1st3r
es neom
es mada
es zion
es bTC
es Jona
es To0ri
es Neo
be iMmi
be wOetre
be alvo
be phille
nl foxy
nl koral
nl boire
02.11.08 20:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: m1st3r (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8828
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 3
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV1
By: slay0r (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
fr #NerdVibes ETTV 1
By: VrgL (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl m1st3r
m1ster noob :D
i love u too xd
mister sux
easy bash for FiF-Yellow!
deathless = med/- max
you were not better then med/- in the match against us ;)
he is right!
we gonna to make fif to win, coz we are so busy with more important things thanks XD!
nice calculating :D If you lose 4-0 against us you are out . If you give us forfeit 1-0 we both go through. (hard decision? :D)
Not possible, I wanted to do that also in our match against deathless but m1st3r said you would be kicked from the cup for doing such things, so you better gonna prac otherwise you will be bashed bij some random med/- skillers.
BTW iMmi, dont forget to record Demo's, enter pbguids etc. because m1st3r will do everything to get forfeit after they got bashed ;)
you didn't undestand me iMmi. I mean: We gonna to play, but we haven't seen yet maps for personal reasons, so i mean that we gonna to play, but you will win easily because we didn't see maps yet, that's all
That's why your mate was searching:
6on6 med hvserv, delivery/urs
You didn't see the maps? GTFO seriously!
oh pls, u are noob man
Doe is niet zo onsportief.
Doe is niet zo onsportief.
check our last matches for the line-up
hf Koral izi FiFy :D
deathless low+ max
blk, clan head hunters? omg skill pokemon !!!! we won 4-2 :P
pink , clan system6 ? omg skill pokemon!!! we won 4-0
IMmi, clan system6? omg skill pokemon!!! u sux hardest
pichel, solamente apestas!
toori, clan deathless? omg skill pokemon !!!! we won 4-2!
go yellow :D
gl yellow ;)
Al corro de la patata,
comeremos ensalada,
lo que comen los señores:
naranjitas y limones.

Achupé, achupé,
sentadita me quedé.
man dit is tijdverlies!
gl fif <33 :)
gl both !
GL iMmi , wOetre , alvo , phille

You have € 5 on be 8B|FiFy

Possible win: € 7.65

gl deathless
noo bo1re no win :DD

eey joke eh , niet huilen! :DDDDD
gl yellow en geef mij een shoutout he gierige belgen! :p
xD trixor clan NUUB?omg skill pokemon , no pbguids no etpro guid we won 1-0
GL wOetre ;D
Go foxy! wooo
the best of luck foxy !
gl neom
lol tards :D
Esto parece el salseo de la Spanish league xD jajajaaj enga suerte!
waste of time as phille said.
ne0m <3 GL mate :)) HF
gl gasten
GL iMmi <3 ul
Gl m1ster & iMmi
iMmi is about to destroy yo
alles geven tom
2-2 decider :)
Match conflict, ... Deathless fault imo
pfff biggest rtards in ET history
I agree completely... real lame
Spaanse zeikers
k t calles subnormal
and what happent?
deathless takes an ettv server without battery
at the cointoss they could choose between radar and battery and they take battery while they know its not on the server
so we go to 8bits server and after 20 minutes no rup from them they say they lagg 2 much on it .

So we had to go back to the ettv server where donex put battery on we did fullhold + time 1:34

conclusion : never make us angry =)
uuuuuuu k malote!
and yes indeed a lot of whine in a non-understandable shit language
yes like ur divel mordor language.... ¬¬
Gtfo man
lol belgas de merdarker... sin suerte battery , ganaron adler aprentando el culo (que venga el pro del CID y lo traduzca)

maak die fifjes niet angry !!!

well done without praccs mates ;)
more random spanish retards plz

We also had got problems against them.

ps : If you want to whine about match, say it in english
izi bash at all!!!