Explanation eSports vs Expérience Européenne (3596 views)

gb Seanza
gb Jeebs
gb System
be Thomas.
se pliXs
se Holi
Not Announced
10.11.08 21:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sewer

Total Pot: € 10909
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
nl Explanation eSports - Match Server
By: Seanza (none)

Total Slots: 0
Viewer Peak: unknown


Glhf :)
Explanation eSports will use their wildcard tonight as Expérience Européene won't be able to field a full team tonight.
we have 2 wildcards?
gl both
Vae will take it imo
only 2 real vae'ers since Holi didn't play a lot over there so i have no idea what u are talkin about.
he ment that only system and seanza are truly #e... jeebs, vexx, holi - vae, plixs - kompaniet. i mean that #e hasn't a lot of players that are playing there from beginning/almost beginning. for example if you will look at Expérience Européenn all of their players were playing together in picon really long time, in kapoks we've got a lot of players that were playing together really long. thats the thing that annoys ppl in you seanza - your team is made from other clans and you are talking 'zomg zomg #e is unbeatable, #e is pwnage, #e got propubs, #e got cups, #e got forums, i'm 1337 etc.' the true is that if you wouldnt have ppl from other clans then #e would be still second league
So people hate coz we got good players? So it's all down to jealousy. I've never said we're teh pwn, so I dunno what you're talking about. If it wasn't for our recent players joining, Explanation wouldn't be around in ET:QW, we needed the players & we got them. System, Vexx & Jeebs all joined at the same time btw. And if you wanna get fussy about who they played for before they played for us, let me run it down for you: pliXs, Holi, System & Nirtal all played for EvE, Jeebs & Vexx played for vae`.

But now it's clear. And I have every right to be proud of what I've achieved with my team. I'm not talking about what we've won, I'm talking about the fact I started this team up back in February just to fuck around with, and it's grown to be a pretty decent side with nice roster, players move from 1 team to the other, and it's a nice thing to know that these good players were happy to find a home in Explanation. Why would you diss somebody for having a team that appealed to great players?

It's just sheer bitterness & jealousy imo.
maybe it is, but i didnt say its bad or smth. ppl are just annoyed that #e got only one man who is playing from the beginning. i mean that it would be more ok if when you get all clan renewed, you should get new name aswell. because its no longer #e (or maybe now it is?), for most of etqw community its just Seanza from #e + 5 mixed guys
Doesn't anyone get it, people leaving and entering a team is part of the game, if we didn't have those players, explanation would have been dead a long while ago.
If Explanation weren't as successful as they were, would this hate still be happening? Basically, when it comes down to it, people are pissed that we got alot of great players. We had this crap when Chris & Novi joined us. The guys who wear the Explanation tag, wear it for a reason: they're part of Explanation, not any other clan. That's like me saying Kapoks is a mix of Pink Power, LAW, EvE, Goons & whoever else your players used to play for.

A message to all those who think it's unfair we have good players wearing the Explanation tag:
Grow up & accept the fact the good players came to us. Without these guys there would be 1 less team in competition, and we all know that's a bad thing. When you think about it, we're supposed to all be in this together. We all have that one thing in common otherwise we wouldn't still be playing in competition.
"#e + 5 mixed guys "

We're all caucasian.

i am rooting for xP but not betting on them : )

Lemme just say that Seanza is the only active player from in the beginning, so what is he supposed to do? Play alone?
not realy, he must clone yourself.
Wrong match?
best VAE player is missing ! :D
No Thomas playing is meh, but still ezbash for e no doubt.
Yeah he doesn't have the time anymore.
Thomas is playing wo0t!
instead of Vexx which means less Sexx
150 smackaroonies on this guys.
The pressure!
For me thats a lot of money! All of it in fact...

- Yes, I suck at betting
fun luck good have
Chris wannabe!
I am pliXs wannabe, sorry, I've already got the shades.
seanza will win this 1
gl & hf
my bet on #e
i wanted to wright smthng smart about getting good players to ur team..., but phailed
i want sum good players in mah team too!
wait a minute!! a have got them already!! Woo!

hf both teams!
I smell no win in first division.
we'll see!

why did they put us there any way, i wrote 5/10 skillz in sing-up page =(
You have € 4 on fr xPeu Cancel bet
Possible win: € 91

GL xPeu =D
server ?
xP forfeited :<
seanza u cant add a forfeit win in gtv =/
stfu sponge I haz money
me too! You have € 5 on eu e`
You won € 5.2
soz :<