vs Vicious and Evil (12189 views)

ee Night
ee r3vers
de senji
de urtier
si JaKaCz
fi twidi
fi chmpp
fi lettu
fi Iron
fi Squall
fi mikza
Round 1
02.11.08 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Bartichello (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 100751
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de FatGames Radio
By: mistaken
Listen to mistaken
Language: English

Total Slots: 1,024
Listener Peak: 106

Enemy Territory TV
de !#dvc-clan ETTV1
By: MadMetzi (ettvd)
de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de #1
By: Broodman (ettvd)
de three
By: ng (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
fr #NerdVibes ETTV #3
By: VrgL (ettvd)
jp #Fragpoint TV 3
By: kmkr (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
By: Bartichello (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 418


mamoti :D
2nd :) mamut ftw^^
you should've been 1st imo!
hf mamut
wont be played on that date
i haven't heard anything so as far as i am concerned it will be...
twidi wont be there before 21cet and mamut would have to play without urtier & night
its on sunday afaik
can you confirm this 100% to me. pm me at irc or something...
cant confirm untill mamut does
EZBASH mamut
hopefully a new server shall be up with more slots by then, otherwise first come first serve for the shoutcast :(
come on v&e uve also beaten tlr :DddD

You have € 23 on eu vae Cancel bet
Possible win: € 152.26
gl vae,but mamut will win,better players then tlr had on their match.
gl vae,but mamut will win,better players then tlr had on their match.
^^ lol
Total Slots: 32

mistaken pls ;d
gl vae,but mamut will lose,too many 3v3s :D
gl mistaken
noobs united
its jakazc not jakacz
gL both teams
hF chmppppppp
hf chmpp my idol
You have € 100 on eu vae Cancel bet
Possible win: € 326
np 4
mistaken is there more slots possible?
good luck mamut :)
You have € 20 on eu vae Cancel bet
Possible win: € 67.2


all my money :o
gl vae

You have € 10 on eu vae
Possible win: € 29.6
Ffs Mamut gl
Edu teile siis :)
gj mistaken;d
rofl fatgames radio xD
10 on idle
Nice mistaken 1,024 slots :)
man, why are the odds in favour of vicious and evil?
who's JaKaCz?
You will see :]
I know jakazc but didn't even hear about jakacz
you really dont get it, do you?
he is good with hog.
You have € 853 on MAMUT.SI
Possible win: € 1663.35

make me proud
hey can anyone tell me how to use any radio commentary ? plx
Download winamp, right click on it, go to Play... and then URL

Enter the URL of the shoutcast, which is for this one
or just click on where it says listen to mistaken.
you can also use the VLC Player
using VLC requires a pw. GL V&E
ehm i dont need to type a pw
i think VAE will beat like they beated the TRL !
1024 radio slots - yeeehhaaa :)
both choose a map?
No pressure mistaken, 1024 listeners will be hearing as to what you say!
Will there be the same 80 slots as in the other MAMUT game?! LOL
is there a pw for FG Radio ?
there shouldn't , is it saying you need one?
It was earlier but now I got in...
in 1st place yes , but now its ok tks :D
No password is needed, its working fine listening to some nice rap music, perhaps some Ice Cube ( Today was a good day )
You have € 400 on MAMUT.SI
Possible win: € 788
GL mamut :)
The radio keeps re- buffering after 1 min. Kinda anoying to listen, then it stops for 10 sec and then it goes on.
we accept ur apologies mistaken :)
I can hear you mistaken :)
izi 4 chmpp
2:0 mamut; Night 4 man support <3
4rth was mine kill np
reload`s 2 bullet 2 hs was nice2
nice finding urtier, chmpp :D
go go go mistaken new toss
Night did it again with panzer :D
4:2 vae
Score? What's going on?
4:2 vae, nice cast mistaken
awesome game gratz to the fins wp vae
4:2 VAE
Great shoutcast again :DD
4-2 vae
bb e-money :<
WP v&e !
good game =)
You have € 853 on si MAMUT.SI
You lost
gg wp
was a preety nice match
that was a brilliant game :D
wow unexpected, wp vae, Iron n1 rifle
You have € 8544 on si MAMUT.SI
You lost
nice fake
216 € on si MAMUT.SI Lost
damn, vae bout to win EC
great cast, great match :)
You have € 3859 on eu vae
You won € 7833.77

You have € 60 on eu vae
You won € 121.8

i love u all soumipoikas
thnx for the money v&e
You have € 50 on si MAMUT.SI
You lost
thx 4 money
mamut got problem to beat excel which were lows, so it was sure it would be extremly hard to defeat vae
You're just an idiot.
I am just right.
mon ordi chi trop faique jutilise mon laptop
fuck off, bliss, anim r some of the best NA players there ...
lol r u kiddind me?, youre not even playing in USA.. so u cant know it.
first i said 'some' and i play more with americans as you think [random scrims] ure just an arrogant little infant
ET in NA is crap, ..., only mixes
1 - You are terrible. Why do you think no1 wants to let you play for their team? Remember how you asked shaun so many times to let you play for Canada :) guess who told him not to even consider you... and I'm not even Canadian even though I lived there.
2 - Didn't you make like 5 topics on crossfire "looking for a team?" A little mad not even low- teams wanted you?
3 - Calling the team (highly inactive) which almost beat Mamut "low" is ignorant and like Smurf said it shows how much of an idiot you are.
4 - And you are right. ET in NA is crap but you still can't play for a decent team, let alone win something...

All I'm saying is, stop posting if you're such a terrible fucking idiot.
you beat me to it :/
you get my <3 for this o:
ridiculous, the program I use to record crashed when I hit stoprecord. But it didn't do that for the excel vs mamut game.
You have € 0.00

You have € 771 on si MAMUT.SI
You lost
You have € 7184 on eu vae
You won € 14583.52
"butchji's Gambling Stats ( Rank 1 / 3,275 )"
Still not as rich as vok though!
nobody cant beat vok!
et 02.11 22:30 si 1.97 vs. 2.03 eu Vicious and Evil 10,000 € on eu vae Won 20,300€

he is master!
He must be cheating!
et 27.10 15:30 Vicious and Evil eu 9.97 vs. 1.11 gb The Last Resort 5,000 € on eu vae Won 49,850€
what maps were played ? who won each of them ?
dnno first
2nd radar - vae
3rd supply - vae
mamut won goldrush, vae won radar and supply
easy for vae
joke ?
server was a joke
havent seen it.
why server was a joke ? laggy ?
yup, had some really nice lagspikes randomly during whole game :D
anyway im impressed :o

wp fins
You have € 20 on eu vae
You won € 40.6
i dont believe :o
my money :(
your 5 e-euros are gone now ;(
you cant fuck with the finns on radar
You have € 100 on eu vae
You won € 203
mamut failed.
You have € 997 on eu vae
You won € 2023.91

Expected, especially after beating TLR, even though TLR wasn't on its full strength.