q2nf vs Team-Infrag (2927 views)

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ru syriusz
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02.11.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: syriusz (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b2

Total Pot: € 3239
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de OldMans - ETTV 7
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


5 many have got 10
izy for infrag ;))) GL nT
HF infrag !
gl infrag
gl&hF Pane TATRANKA <3 !! 2izy
GL infrag
<3 nidnrt:)
konecne sme se dockali :)

You have € 35 on cz infrag Cancel bet
Possible win: € 56.7
gl infrag <3
gl incucu
GL q2nf
GL pasek HF q2nf
somebody have a server?:P
GL q2nf You have € 54 on cz infrag Cancel bet
Possible win: € 69.66 >DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
gl pasek
4-2 infrag n1 bremen
dobre vy
jeste ze 4:2