a.Toon vs Kapoks (3019 views)

de ab-norm
de Pr3d4toR
at zerGstarrr
pl Am1go
be Bangor
gb pred4tor
nl zenix_
4v4 INF Premier League Group B
02.11.08 20:15 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Salvage

Total Pot: € 2329
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #a.Toon ETQW:Pro Server by proPlay.de
By: Orrie (none)
de #a.Toon ETQW:TV by proPlay.de
By: neobsen (none)


Total Slots: 51
Viewer Peak: 22


Will be nice match, atoon is really good and nice team to play against.
I have no clue who will win.
really exciting match. hard to say who will win but GL both teams and hf.
<3rex scream amigo.. ;)
gl deaToon
zerGstarrr is aToon's best player I think. But he has worse aim compared to pred4tor and zenix I think.
Bangor and Am1go are also good aimers, not as outstanding as the rest of kapoks. I know where my money will be! :D
hf zenix!
Go go go Kapoks!

My monies on you lot! :)
gl atoon
i like playing against this clan :) nice, no problems with anything :) and always a good show at TV. hope this time it wont be any different :) hf
You have € 1 on eu Kapoks Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1.25
gl guys
i cant stop hating this shitty lagging game.....no wonder nobody plays it
ye you lagged like hell, was hard to hit you :P
i didnt hit any1 of you ....
thats why 4on4 sux :X
i dont like excuses. it was a gg, too bad we fucked up salv but you played well. eliminating sewer was also a good choice. gg
Unhittable pole §§!!§!
thats no excuse. its a fact. u won as u where the better team tonight.but all these laggs were sent by the macron 'cause it/he /she doesnt like us
ok sry maybe its not excuse but it sounds like it ;p
Wp Kapoks,

Cheers for monies!
Four 'Predators'?! I'm seeing double here.
yep all fakes.... -.-
all failes