bailOut vs Kapoks (3116 views)

de croniC
de Kosh
de Madknut
at Shorty
de gkox
de hopp3l
de j4b
pl Am1go
be Bangor
nl cattle
cz Orrie
gb pred4tor
nl zenix_
6v6 SW Premier League Group B
03.11.08 21:00 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Ark

Total Pot: € 4128
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 56
Viewer Peak: 34


Omgwtf this will be exciting.

Dunno where to put my money on this :/
will be awesome match.
gl bailout
I dont know about this match, we dont practice anymore.
Only officials. So it will be exciting i think. They are a nice team aswell <3
not simply chois for bet))
GL both teams.
You have € 701 on Kapoks
Possible win: € 1016.45
gl hf :-)
gogo bailOut ;-)
:( pred be for you own team plz k tx, and stop pretending to be british on vent plz k tx
lineup bailOut:


last match for both teams in cb OC fall 2008
gl kapoks
we still have a match to go in 4on4 :P
But yes last match for you and us in 6on6 :)
hf gl to both teams . gogo shorty :>
gl j4b :>
gl bailout =)
You have € 39 on de bailOut
Possible win: € 148.2

Thx Kapoks !!!
pl Am1go failed me :<
ye sry i think after 4v4 oc i will move to quake live for a good
GG! Wp bailOut.
gg bailout was alot better than us on all area's we failed.
Orrie lagging out every 5mins fucked up sewer for us ( we had controll room he was covert his connection died ) :<
After that we didnt had fate anymore. I think its last match for kapoks 6on6.
sad to hear :(
I appologize for screwing up the evening folks. This wont happen again as it was my last competition match. Peace.
IMO, your fault for putting him as objective class knowing his connection has been like this for some time. Don't blame Orrie, he's done alot for you guys throughout the Fall season, and done alot for the community by providing his TV server often for matches allowing us to watch.

Lesson to be learned, don't place objective class on person with tendancy to lag out, game crash or whatever. Also your 2nd covey had highest ping on server at some points (300ms+).

And also, hold the whines off plz. I'm not here to get flamed.
these are not whine just facts
LOL, we dont blame Orrie. Orrie said on comms i go covert, normaly he is never covert ( bangor is )
He went inside and lagged out, thats just badluck. Nobody to blame. And further dont talk about us, like you know something about how its going in kapoks. You never played with us so you dont have a clue :)
And keep your whines and comments to your own match page. We played against a nice team and just lost.

Just imagine how Orrie should feel, i understand that he didnt want to play after attack.
Luck wasnt on our side. But atleast we tried, we could also have used wildcard. But bailout wanted to end the opencup and also did we.
=( sorry to see you leave orrie. WP bailout.
damn I lost my bet
Well Played both teams. Nice Third obj in def on Ark and first&second on Sewer for Kapoks, but badluck on third. but anyway: croNic POTM, after that i have understood im perfect noob as tanker (in other classes im noob i knew it before))) Every my kill in every matches just did by lucky chance)))))