happyface #srv.et vs Possessed Team (5262 views)

es nXville
es methoje
es redeu
es enigma
es trazo
es veracius
es cloud
es Nivek
jp Hans
jp serrano
es Angel
pl szcurek
pl stk
pl chumi
pl Sc0rp!o
11.11.08 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: m1st3r (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11917
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV Recorder
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#2?
By: sc0rpi0n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


gl & HF my mates Possessed ;** karac mi tam ;P <3 wszystkich zeby nickow nie wymieniac ;p 3majcie sie panowie ;)) GL HF oLa !! oLa !! ;D
3rd Japan Power FTW i love Poland for its hospitality:) I came from Japan to this Country and they are paying me for being here and study in this Country !!!
nxville, dame el canal privao de cb y si no stoi en irc dejamelo en el bnc, xa cambiar server qando testeis pings si no os va bn
:)) HF
Nivek :D <3
gogo hapyface ! you can do it !

nivek :)
Possessed Line-Up:
jpHans aka ExtraPoint Uberhighjapanskillzor
jpSerrano aka whatever
plszczurek aka nezumi xD
esAnGeL aka Yuki aka HIGH
plstk aka xD no idea
plChumi aka Spiritosantus Pormilus xD
BackUP: plSc0rp!o!? aka inet probs xD
gl possessed
hf h-face

btw wrong time


should be 21:15 cet ;p
szczur!! ;ddd hfglitpitd
el jamon es cheto (rly)
Por que lo escribes como si no te fueran a entender cuando tienen un español en el equipo?¿
Encima 2 xD
lerdo , ayer jugamos contra ellos y se lo dijimos , asi que stfu reproductor de demos en sony vegas
possesed ofc
Good luck Hanso-san and Possessed. :)
gl :)
gl szczurek methoje nxville
gl szczurek i reszta szmat- taka prawda stanowicie tylko otoczke dla tego wysmienitego gracza, jest on baza tego teamu tak jak wiesiek, maus, butchji etc.
Tylko czekac na invita do repry.
Ah lezka w oku sie kreci wybiliscie sie dzieki niemu do med+/high.
gl szczurek !
Va que me forro otra vez!
go go nxville & methoje & enigma
but gl szczurus :D
and what nivek doing in your lineup :DDDDDDDDDD
gl szczurek :P <3
We meet againNnN!

Haha, gl szcurek, even though i play vs you ^^
I'm pro nori, you know it!
hans & serano ;*
macie karac (zreszta jak zawsze)!!
possessed ogien ;p
gl happyface!
good luck szcurek
gl Angel :))
aaaaaaaa m1st3r pls im szczurek not szcurek xD
gl happyface
Japan PoWER!!!!
gl hf szczurek :]
possessed team = pussy team GL happyface
a dziadki member swoje xD
jdr aora no aposteis por nosotros q van a ganar...
<3 methoje
lol i dont know how is it possible...
4-0 hface , gg
4-0 for happy :D
gg hface n1 play
btw thx for money
too low:(
szczurek had to play on joystick due broken mouse