Defix vs sayhi2 (5062 views)

fi Spirea
fi Sanda
fi hevimies
ee treyz
ee ince
ee bff
16.11.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3v3 OpenCup Fall 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Trey (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 11658
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #LoFT ETTV3
By: benJi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


Gogo Defix!
You have € 250 on dfx
Possible win: € 480
all in on sayhi2
nice to see sanda after a while
gl both
hevimies ? funky :)? gl both
hevimies?! :S
when defix became cheater lovers? omfg! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
haha =D
oh my, didnt know that defix would play with known cheater :(
oh my, didnt know that defix would play with known cheater :(
oh my, didnt know that defix would play with known cheater :(
oh my, didnt know that defix would play with known cheater :(

mr.Spirea aka cheater hater ,______________________, hevimies is more obvious than nirv :D
oh my, didnt know that defix would play with known cheater :(
oh my, didnt know that defix would play with known cheater :(
I smell a scandal!
gogogo hevimies! =D
gogogo hevimies! =D
well, I wish hevimies finally gets banned after all this publicity, I'm tired of losing points to him in 2on2 ladder when he plays vs us with different nicks. I just want him banned, care about else

ps. killerboy thinks he is clean, so time to convince him
well nice job:D
how could killerboy think he is clean If that "hevimies" have got busted multiple times
that's what I'm wondering too
hevimies convinced killerboy with *cough50£cough*
ollaan me pelattu sitä vastaan niin että se on ollu muissaki tiimeis
jooo mä oon pelannu sen kanssa teitä vastaan :D?
niin ja muutkin on pelannu sen kanssa meitä vastaan
go keijo!
will be prolly wildcarded to a later moment of time
u dont have wildcard in playoffs?:O
lol used to play with him 3 years ago, he was pretty skilled without cheats. dunno if he cheats atm tho. (if we are talkin about keqeee :D)
he is pretty skilled now too :DD
i dont know! :D
didnt play with him for a while
all my moneyz on inZ, treyZ and bffZ
he was skilled, now he is SKILLED
they call me crazy loo oo op
sayhi2 no problemo
manne + läski + koodari mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
FFS, they changer server, so no ettv anymore, but it's 2:0 for sayhi2 now
too bad :/
somebody knows the result?
had to change server so hevimies could use bot... after that u can guess the result
You are just covering up his ass... you like to play with him.
u won?

4-2 ?
saatteks bännii koska pelaatte koodarin kans joka on/oli bännitty jos se bustataa
sitä ei oo koskaa bannittu ceebeest tard.
haluisin että se bännittäis CB:stä mut tuskinpa ton esityksen jälkee x)
and so what if he likes it, all the time defix played oc the got beaten by cheaters.. so if that 3rd guy might be suspicious, you really can't blame them. Blame the systeem
selvää käyttöä oli jo ekallaki servulla ;D
You have € 380 on ee sayhi2
You lost
obvious hack @ supply, tbh
weijo angstaa
very obvius