#FiF.red vs inteRaction (5596 views)

be Frauwe
tr TanQ
de Darwin
fr sword
be nAzty
pl cisy
cz etnic
cz denton
cz godlike
cz neo
cz hyper
cz verbucha
13.11.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TanQ (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 22968
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #5
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 3
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 3
By: Bo0om (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 32


gl hf iR, <3 etnic
GL IR special Etnicos:-D
thx guys :*

cz iR lineup:

cz etnic
cz denton
cz godlike
cz neo
cz hyper
cz verbucha
HF iR !
red lineup:

gl hf
GL FiFr <3
gl iR`.. verim vam.. izi moNey
iR natrete jim prdel :P
olejem na zjemneni kuze ;p
gl frauwe, fif boys! i remember beating these once when i was in FiFr so np :D
Gl sword :D
izi for iR
Fifred low max!
Easy for iR!
xD love you too xeoxis :D <3
glhf iR ! <3
hf cisy :*
gl prdi
GL de Darwin !
thats what i needed^^
Always shaking my umpalumpas for you honey xD
Nice come back on Radar, well played was nice to watch :)
inteRaction kind of left the server fast! dumdedum ...
You have € 40 on eu FiFr
You won € 176
easy money
sword!:)...good luck@
aituma! =)
btw, pracc mix today?:D...yesterday?:D...
gogo iR!
GL iR!
gl red
izi 4 etnic
hf cisek:*
Dzieki chlopaki :]]]]]
Go Serkan Go :) 120€ bastim size :P
GL Sword :)
merci rifle chiante =p
izi 4 hyper!
GL FiF red the only squad I like :>
C'est parce que je suis dedans ? =D (ego boost !)
haha !

Bah j'aime beaucoup jouer contre vous, vous êtes très fair-play et jouez bien.

En faite je trouve que les autres squad se la pètent un peu alors que niveau skill je les trouve pas top top, là oui y'a de l'ego.
yerman serwer for frauwe pls
btw let's take a subscription for our matchs. You could whine everytime without miss a match ! yerman tard

bon appetit!
merci mon con <3
:D didnt get offended coz im not irish..but he looks like french coz irish ppl dont eat frogs as far as i no..but ye many redheaded here ,but ah well
I agree with wond3r...still waiting for Frauwe to ego quit from a German server.....hmm ISP change maybe?
what a surprise, I was waiting for you too :x
good boy...

You have € 250 on eu FiFr
You won € 1100
Still waiting for lameass to egoquit again tho...perhaps its just against us :pp
Yeah your earn a lot of money, you can thank us now =D
Gl Frauwe
izi 4 cisy ;D
ofc tanq knows what to do :^^
gl both
Hf Frauwe en de rest :)
no waffle no win
got my money on you guys ;D
gl tnaqienaytoor
thx caveje
4-2 FiFr :)
GG , thnx 4 game :)
4-2 fif
my money:(
very nice fifred!
zie tem geld gewonne hemme :D
vsechny prachy v pici, nesnasim vas
A prachy jsou v p***** :/
inteRaction is a really great team, I mean fair, mature, I like it.

btw it was close, you played very well.

I wish you best for future.
agreed :)
agreed :)
agreed :)
agreed :)
wtf, too many agreed. Now i've got a flock of sheep. Thanks =DdDddD
disagree...we are still same bad team with the same mistakes like usually. Thx but u were a better team..
u need just few more aimbotters, take bl4d3 from AoW for example.
thx for victory guy's, money money money :DDDD it's a rich man's world ;)
I blame etnic: etnic's Gambling Stats ( Rank 26 / 3,204 ) 200 € on FiFr Won 880€ :(
omg, lamy! prohral jsem na vas 10 ecek :,(
nevadi! :)
You have € 30 on eu FiFr
You won € 132
Fail! iR si vybrali slabsi chvilku v nepravyi cas:(
You have € 152 on eu FiFr
You won € 668.8 hahah
You have € 20 on FiFr
You won € 88

Thanks my friends :*
az ted jsem se na to podival, pekna hra, skoda jen toho posranyho radaru