vs a.Toon (6555 views)

si JaKaZc
si 2nice2kill
dk Sondac
dk Huggo
be Bjorn
at Zergstarrr
de herk1
de ab-norm
de glissi
de Ulqiorra
de neobsen
ClanBase OC Playoff match
19.11.08 21:00 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: darkman (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 45536
The bets are closed.

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ET Quake Wars TV
de war server
By: darkman (none)
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 96
Viewer Peak: 40


ab-norm vs RELOAd clash of the titans :) gl ab-norm
der hal <3
moar liek david vs goliath.
I'd put money on goliath he is big, as big as a mamut.
i dont need to play *happy*
gogo, gl hf,
izi for mamut
gl to a.toon too
gl atoon
gl puttanaaa! ;)
gl hf! go looney tunes! ;)
*whine* hf mamut
mutch gl to atoon :D
gl atoon!
If not now, then never, toonz, so LETS DO IT! :O
Robertos show me your bet :)
You have 5555 on mamut
Possible win: 5999.4
so as u can see I won't bet, because I want to win more cash on other matches :D
lets get atoons vs #e final! :D that would be fucking interesting -_- gl
that would be izibash.
but surely not for seanza
There you go mentioning my name... again.
easy for ab-norm
gl atoon if you win im rich
dont expect too much pls. our skill is getting lower and lower :<
Believe it or not, but it'll go lower than sean's

and lower

i will stop playing qw before this point will be reached.
and though you lose every match against us, u are still quite arrogant.just btw.... think about it
How many matches did you play against us? 1? In 4v4
i count 2 6v6 in the last two weeks or so
Always experimenting tactics against all teams we play for fun. Nobody cares who wins in a fun scrim, s'all about the Offis. Losing in a fun scrim is like losing in a ProPub - nobody cares. And every now and again my tactics creep into place... resulting in us losing a map ;)

And we're more likely to lose when I play, fact >:D
of corse nobody will be crying bacause of a fun scrim. thats not the point.the point is e's arrogance not the importance or unimportance of fun wars
ETQW is serious business!

The whole team isn't arrogant though, don't tar us with the same brush you do Seanza... :<
I'm not arrogant either, nor ignorant.

You're just a hairy beast!!11!one

Damn cotten eye joe.
It's all about knowing the difference between a match and a scrim tbh
srs bss?
When we played against you in a scrim the other night, we tried something completely new, and I also believe it was Dranzer's 1st night in a scrim with us?
You have € 3 on oO
Possible win: € 112.17

Dear Diary...Jackpot
You have € 100 on oO
Possible win: € 6538

Make me rich baby
trying to
You have € 100 on mamut
Possible win: € 101

I lied sry :D
then i have to make you poor, sry :D
You have € 900 on de oO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 26424
You have € 1 on de oO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 76.86
You have € 35 on oO
Possible win: € 1994.3

make me rich
gl, yo :)
Matmut will take this but GL for atOOn .
gl both :/
2-0 Mamut so far.
ggs, damn unlucky seconds on both maps
ez4mamut, ggz.
you watched another match?
fat bitch @ " i am the best" if i watch u agaionts mamut i will have something to laugh
Did you watch us vs. mamut in group stage at all?

Salvage in 6mins m8.
It was mega easy for mamut. They weren't even playing properly lol!
we all know you are a fuckin bastard . so shut up and maybe take a look into a mirror.your ugly face might show u up the reality.
seanza = bis fat arrogant loser .. got it? ...idiot just shut up and stop making every1 pissed of , with your senceless and childish comments and behaviour
mamut killed more people of themselves than of the opponent :)!
On purpose :)

Reload & Huggos duelling each other was LOL!
seanza it was easy to drive with the hog over your face
Likewise =]

ahh children i have the mirror uhh you are the same bla bla iq = 0
you cry and cry you find allways a way to flame
the i-net is your live that is the prob you sit 10 hours on your f***** fat ass and cry like justin timberlake
maybe you are coming out off your room to 2 times a week and this is when your mother is washing you because the holl house is smelling
2. you go to next mc donalds or burger king


you are a bad loser :D
Having some personality problems mate?
he has some personality problems with u little fuckers
seanza is going to take: most hated of QW xD
LOL? You said you hogged my face, I said likewise, wtf is this rage?

Can I be in a 'WICKED WANKER' fan club please?
i dont whine because i lose
my prob is seanza he think allways he is the beste and and and ...........
he is nothing nothing thats the prob
Do you rage everybody that says it was ez4your opponent? Or just me? Hmmm... I detect sand in vagina, n1.

Internet is srs bzns.
no i dont rage about this
i rage about that you allaways must say to all something you cant be stfu
You make no sense at all, really.
and u make sence? seanza > all ... sure...
seanzas pxxxs<seanzas intelligence<seanzas skill<piece of shit<all the rest
Yes, yes I do. More sense than anybody in the whole wide world.

Because I am the best, but you already know that, right?
ya go fuck your dog
You'd like that wouldn't you?
Don't care what anyone says, a.Toon played well, fought well, and both games were pretty damn close.

Wp a.Toon!
Yeah, didn't say they didn't. Stil mamut don't even have to try for the win.
like you are som ekind of specialist ;o?
too bad atoon :( I lost my 1 euro :(
wp mamut!

and for all seanza lovers
you know where you can idle!
/me lookin in da future

#anti-seanza is more popular then #qwl.gather
Ofc it is. The name "Seanza" is more popular than ET:QW now thanks to you guys. So <3 for that :D
I actually wonder who are you trying to convince?
The whole wide world.
he is "every ass a buttplug"
Pretty good acheivement if you ask me. Keep up the good work.
just because seanza has become a synonym of lowskill this doesnt mean anything good
It being more popular than gather chan is pretty good though, gotta admit that, and that's what we're talking about here, not what it means.
I thought I was the synonym for lowskill? :<
Reading this is pretty lol tbh
if i would wake up with your face every morning i would find this funny too
You know what just stfu...
cant believe youre surprised sean wants to reply to your "usefull posts"

just stfu and he wont answer....
this shit is awesome

seanza most famous player in qw -_-

i huskied u on promod the other day ... i giggled my tits off : P
It happens to the best of us...

Yeah, Seanza is ugly lol

That's why when I have bacon, I get the tomato ketchup and write "Seanza" in it. To remind me of the pig he is!