k1ck eSports Team vs mamut.si (17336 views)

pl Wrobel
pl wiaderko
pl Templar
pl Xanah
pl wiesiek
pl Frag'Stealer
pl dvk3
pl n00n
si JaKaZc
ee Night
ee r3vers
de senji
de urtier
de drago
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30.11.08 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XVIII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 123069
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: ResP
Listen to ResP
Language: Czech
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: sokl
Listen to sokl
Language: Czech
de sIN.Gaming Stream #2
By: Bo0om
Listen to Bo0om
Language: English
fr #NerdVibes Radio
By: Esox
Listen to Esox
Language: French
pt Ghulnah'Radio Sponsored by QW-Solutions.com
By: GLH-Candyman
Listen to GLH-Candyman
Language: Portuguese

Total Slots: 1,200
Listener Peak: 124

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)

de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de eX|ETTV.1'
By: Xenofreak (ettvd)
de homeofhosts.com #2
By: Broodman (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)

jp #Fragpoint TV 2
By: kmkr (ettvd)

By: Lama (ettvd)

ua ClanBase ETTV
By: Bartichello (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 650


gL k1ck
gl both<3 should be a fun match imo
third, and wiesek! listen to me! dont be affraid of killerboy, just play how you always do :) they r just stupid to think you could hax.. its called the "i have no brain so i think everyone hax" complex
dude, its mamut, k1ck will lose anyway
oh yeah np, they should turn hax 2tehmax
the "i have no brain" part describs you well
if he`s not hacking why should he be afraid?
seriously do i need to explain it to you? omg...

"just play how you always do :)"

why would he play different if he would be clean xD
I think I know what he means. When you play the best you can, you often do "strange" for some people (especially the ones born in the centre of mediterranean see). I think most of people dont really when they are being flamed for hax, eventhough that might be nice egoboost :) So, some of them might actually intentionally not play for 100% of their abilities (eg. letting a camper to kill you eventhough you knew he was behind the corner) simply to get rid of all the kiddies that will later analyze every step you made.

Outstanding units have always had hard life with their communities and thats just sad.
tho i dont like to say this :D but i agree with you, i do this myself on ettv... when i know id get the guy wallhack-like, i think to myself "omg, i dont wanna have avis on crossfire" so i play like if i didnt know about the guy :DDD
yep, thats what i think he is talking about.
the problem is that, in my opinion, you shouldnt do what you say you are doing, but you should kill that guy behind the corner and not care about crossfire retards, especially those born on the island :-)
do you really think he is afraid of killerboy? :-)
you take this game serious?
gl mamut
hf urtier & co
gogogogogogogoogogogogogogo mamut
gl nasi! :]
izi for mamut!
k1ck will kick mamut asses gl k1ck all on u!
You have € 70 on k1ck
Possible win: € 313.6
hf mamut gl k1ck
gl pl
gl mamut :)
k1ck fail
toss needed :P

but Gl k1ck and hf mamahued :P

You have € 100 on si MAMUT.SI Cancel bet
Possible win: € 124
i hope these odds will be at game date:O
gl mamut, pls win, cus kick vs bb in final = no good :<
do pobrania gl kick
gl k1ck!! wiaderko <3
gl kick
might not be able to cast it, thats a big family holiday.
k1ck karać plebs!!!!!!!!!!!!
relakaaaaaaaaas! gl nait ril6ud !
mamut will take it:P hope creat match:P GL mamut and fun
reload imo > all
mAus > all
gl k1ck ... --<-@
You have € 135 on k1ck
Possible win: € 457.65
gl k1ck :]
GL mamut!!
- r3vers...
np 4 k1ck
any english shout casters... lol gl to both teams should be a good match
ok, MAMUT 20000 euro on u, dont disappoint me :)
:). soee and u wanna play etqw sunday :P
Nah we only proposed this date :) Anyway, our match next week prolly?
ETQW 4v4 1st place mamut
ETQW 6v6 1st place mamut
ET EC 1st place mamut
CC5 1st place mamut


Thx god they do not compete in some other CB games.
hehe stari lepa
It's not their fault if other teams are too low to beat them .
ofc they could start playing shitty :D
you forgot about quakecon?
You have € 95 on pl k1ck Cancel bet
Possible win: € 419.9

gogo wiesuaw
Radio Commentary
Language: Portuguese
Language: French
Language: Polish

no !
izi k1kc
gl k1ck
easy for k1ck
30.11.08 21:30 CET
So no score possible atm (27.11.08 22:25 CET). :)
and? you are funny right?
he wasnt tryin to be funny he just answered - _ -
gnm- My mistake :P
Gl Kick You have € 10 on pl k1ck Cancel bet
Possible win: € 40.8
Wheres revers? :/
polaks :D:D;D:d
gl k1ck !!!!!!!!
funny :D:ASDD:D::D:D;d;d ;c
Gl k1ck ! ;)
You have € 100 on si MAMUT.SI Cancel bet
Possible win: € 132

Mamut ftw

GL Urtier
k1ck 5.14 1.24 MAMUT.SI You have € 50 on k1ck
Possible win: € 257

gL k1Ck
mistaken ftw!
Hf k1ck GL mamut.si Kick make it 4-0 and show that u are the best easy:) Wiesiek Templar GO GO GO!!!! n00n aka 52 in biceps xD
izi 4 k1ck
Gl k1ck & mamut :)
go go mamut special go go small piggy Urtier:-D HF
GL smoke
gl k1ck
You have € 185 on pl k1ck Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1121.1

go go
You have € 250 on k1ck
Possible win: € 1475

go k1ck ;D
mistakens i-net keeps crashing. People coming over around 2 EST(5 minutes from now:D) to check it out.
come on mistaken we need an english radio!!!
is it fixed now ??? :P
keeps crashing every 10-15 minutes.
Mamut I trust You. Don't fail !
FragTastic-Radio 2 will Shoutcast in English.
Kevin 'Nemesis' Fang is our current Shoutcaster. HF
can u add ip for the radio pls ?

Got it :)

Its > http://fragtastic.servegame.com:8020/listen.pls
everything added by 'Radio Commentary'
Anyways, if u need the IP:
When you are done plz upload it asap.
I wanna watch the replay and listen to it. :)
GL , Reload Jaka Senji Night!

add ENGLISH shoutcast (by Nemesis)
already done xD
ok tnx!
can you gimme a link for the replay of cast?
Mamahood will make it.
gl k1ck
2:0 k1ck
gonna start soon, mamut have server issues.
Wow, doesn't mistaken feel like an idiot. My router was only half plugged in which is why it kept crashing @ random.
Sry for the Lagging Radio. Problem will be solved soon.
LOOOL and im like an idiot gettin pissed off thinkin its my retarded pc and thats why it was laggin :D
Restart Itunes, Winamp or whatever.
Should work now.
nope still fucked up for me :(
what are u using itunes or winamp?
use itunes :}
cba dloadin it atm :D ah well i can live without the shoutcast :D
2-0 k1ck
2-0 kick
funny how people with a wallhack still bother to lean
2-0 k1ck 8+O
yup .. total failure by k1ck :D
3:51 :DDDD
mamut k1ck ass :]
obj time set to 3:51 ROFL
quickest time i`ve seen
k1ck didint even bother to attack so they started the next map straight away :D
what is 3rd map?
4:2 for Mamut.Si


Thnx for the money and GL @ vs BB
2Bad polaks, Night did it again!
Thx for the money Mamut <3
4-2 mamut
nice and easy
izi for mamut
nice lags
4:2 mamut gg lags
gratz mamut
gg, epic bremen
all polaks gonna blame lags ??
more spam plz
thats new for me.. not the opponent but the polaks are whining about laggs ..:D
omg nice lags -.-
who was rifle in k1ck ?
name was lightning spelled backwards, probably a joke of wiadro though, can't imagine lightning playing with the others
naw, it was lightning, check the k1ck CB page ^^
is he allowed to? he played with tlr
lightning ?? -.-

gninthgil = lightning
what lag? server was perfectly fine
ohohoh hello vila how do u feel today ?:))
perfectly fine now you lost , thx for asking
You lost your skill, your brain, your clean yawn, bye!
still got a clean yawn
don't you fucking feel like a loser?! you were never able to keep your mouth shut and were the 1st one to accuse anybody about hacking... and then get busted yourself, this is just poor
but you dont have clean brain so one this is one shit!
English, it's what some people use
made me giggle :D
women and gays giggle. which one you're?
the one who asks you to leave the internet, for good.
for good? nothing good in it :(
But you can go reallife and earn some big $ and sex alot of chickens and buy lots of muscles and steal some nice cars and stuff.
I'm on the helpline, ask your sister if she's doing better
And the retard answered.
right, yawn is life, so np. you are clean.
c'est toi qui dit sa :DDD même le plus noob de ET te la mettrais dans la boule
you suck.
ye ye I know .. say something more
i don't know if you know that i replied to vila :P
we all know , vila is the best guy! :)
I saw your math problem yesterday, laughed my ass off
lol at wiesiek x)
i want the shoutcast:)
lol gg mamut :D
mamut won because of better teamplay
nice 4-man-strike by night :D
szkoda : )
mamut good game :)
gg gl mamut :)
wp :)
You have € 100 on pl k1ck
You lost
