pHys1x Multigaming vs Combat Folk (3242 views)

nl Conker.
nl Onoez
nl Rebel.
lv Loland
cz Etkar
de SDStyLeZ
nl Nubj
ru a_g_u
ua Draelor
by Gifik
ru Lover
ru Mosquita
by Snake
20.11.08 20:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: onoez (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 3429
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
fr #NerdVibes ETQW:TV
By: Killerd@rk (none)

Total Slots: 40
Viewer Peak: unknown


I'm happy our team made it to the playoff even though it was slightly impossible to NOT get there in our group. It's our first 6on6 cup and probably our last and I think we make a good shot at winning. GL & HF towards teh Combat Folk!
izibash for pG, CF will have lol-lineup((
a_g_u, Draelor, Gifik, Lover, Mosquita, Snake.

it will be funny for wathing.
hf gl! go for it physix!
<3 stylez ;)
Hard for CF !
You have € 133 on pHx
Possible win: € 222.11

make me rich!!!!!
yes, for Etkar and Onoez, HF
No probs for Phys1x, good luck guys!

Munz on pHx :)
OH noes, Onoez on TV! The end of ETQW has rly come ...
lol like it's my first time D:
You were on TV when diVine played #e. (I think).
And when we played preD, team arctic, pl4fc, x3, dsm and vs ss
CF can do it but will be hard.
gl CF
lv Loland will do it easily. ;X
gl ru
izi for Loland
Gl, CF!
get ur *stuff* together and win zis match!
no TV ?
where is TV???
where is TV???
where is TV???

pHys1x wins? :D
y gg
GG WP, it was funny)))
it my first offi game like Fops&opressor
You have € 100 on eu pHx
You won € 164

wp homies
too bad CF :( i like you guys aswell <3
i sad about it - cuz we have no main team
no Smandi, im fops/opressor - not tanker. this game was only for fun, not for win
I know, thats not nice :( I know how that feels.
We played our last 2 opencup 6on6 matches with tanker lagging out every 5mins :P
You have € 10 on pHx
You won € 16.4

ezmoney ty :)
You have € 50 on eu pHx
You won € 82

Great success!